Poet Habib Sulemani — 17 months in solitary confinement
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Loving Guy
2011-08-29 14:07:54 UTC
August 29, 2011

Habib Sulemani — 17 months in solitary confinement

The Terrorland Report

HABIB R. Sulemani, a Pakistani writer/journalist in solitary
confinement for 17 months, in this exclusive photo http://nblo.gs/mg9O9
, taken yesterday in Rawalpindi, looks outside his cell-like room.

"The two generations of chirping birds in the neighborhood are my best
friends," Mr. Sulemani told a member of The Terrorland Team.

"They sing me sweet songs and I recite them my spontaneously written
poems. We often appreciate each other, but when I write something
against the military establishment, then the crows often agitate!"

Unfortunately, he has stopped writing blogs for The Terrorland without
giving any reason.

This has left the Team shattered, and for over a week, he is being
persuaded to write about his suffering as the whole world is silently
monitoring this worst kind of tyranny and oppression against a writer
in the modern age.

Mr. Sulemani along his family members is under great pressure from the
Pakistani military establishment especially the secret agencies, ISI
and MI, which has isolated him in the militarized and Talibanized

Despite appeals for provision of protection and justice, the fragile
civilian government is still silent due to pressure from the powerful

If you are not aware of the tragedy, then, please, read the related
posts and Mr. Suleamani's poems on The Terrorland group blogs'
sidebar. Thanks.
Posted By Webmaster to THE TERRORLAND at 8/29/2011 02:42:00 AM

The Colonel
2011-08-29 14:13:06 UTC
And then he woke up, realizing it was only another wet dream.

2011-08-30 08:03:30 UTC
"Loving Guy" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:75ddb723-6e92-40af-9381-***@a14g2000yqo.googlegroups.com...
August 29, 2011

Habib Sulemani — 17 months in solitary confinement

The Terrorland Report

HABIB R. Sulemani, a Pakistani writer/journalist in solitary
confinement for 17 months, in this exclusive photo http://nblo.gs/mg9O9
, taken yesterday in Rawalpindi, looks outside his cell-like room.

"The two generations of chirping birds in the neighborhood are my best
friends," Mr. Sulemani told a member of The Terrorland Team.

"They sing me sweet songs and I recite them my spontaneously written
poems. We often appreciate each other, but when I write something
against the military establishment, then the crows often agitate!"

Unfortunately, he has stopped writing blogs for The Terrorland without
giving any reason.

This has left the Team shattered, and for over a week, he is being
persuaded to write about his suffering as the whole world is silently
monitoring this worst kind of tyranny and oppression against a writer
in the modern age.

Mr. Sulemani along his family members is under great pressure from the
Pakistani military establishment especially the secret agencies, ISI
and MI, which has isolated him in the militarized and Talibanized

Despite appeals for provision of protection and justice, the fragile
civilian government is still silent due to pressure from the powerful

If you are not aware of the tragedy, then, please, read the related
posts and Mr. Suleamani's poems on The Terrorland group blogs'
sidebar. Thanks.
Posted By Webmaster to THE TERRORLAND at 8/29/2011 02:42:00 AM


Sounds like my idea of a good time.
The Colonel
2011-08-30 15:28:48 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
August 29, 2011
Habib Sulemani - 17 months in solitary confinement
The Terrorland Report
HABIB R. Sulemani, a Pakistani writer/journalist in solitary
confinement for 17 months, in this exclusive photo http://nblo.gs/mg9O9
, taken yesterday in Rawalpindi, looks outside his cell-like room.
"The two generations of chirping birds in the neighborhood are my best
friends," Mr. Sulemani told a member of The Terrorland Team.
"They sing me sweet songs and I recite them my spontaneously written
poems. We often appreciate each other, but when I write something
against the military establishment, then the crows often agitate!"
Unfortunately, he has stopped writing blogs for The Terrorland without
giving any reason.
This has left the Team shattered, and for over a week, he is being
persuaded to write about his suffering as the whole world is silently
monitoring this worst kind of tyranny and oppression against a writer
in the modern age.
Mr. Sulemani along his family members is under great pressure from the
Pakistani military establishment especially the secret agencies, ISI
and MI, which has isolated him in the militarized and Talibanized
Despite appeals for provision of protection and justice, the fragile
civilian government is still silent due to pressure from the powerful
If you are not aware of the tragedy, then, please, read the related
posts and Mr. Suleamani's poems on The Terrorland group blogs'
sidebar. Thanks.
Posted By Webmaster to THE TERRORLAND at 8/29/2011 02:42:00 AM
Sounds like my idea of a good time.
Your idea of a good time is a six pack of Bud and a goat in nylons.
Loving Guy
2011-08-31 00:51:31 UTC
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in
foreign policy." This is what former US Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger has been quoted widely [The Final Days by Bob Woodward].

Post by Loving Guy
August 29, 2011
Habib Sulemani — 17 months in solitary confinement
The Terrorland Report
HABIB R. Sulemani, a Pakistani writer/journalist in solitary
confinement for 17 months, in this exclusive photohttp://nblo.gs/mg9O9
, taken yesterday in Rawalpindi,  looks outside his cell-like room.
"The two generations of chirping birds in the neighborhood are my best
friends," Mr. Sulemani told a member of The Terrorland Team.
"They sing me sweet songs and I recite them my spontaneously written
poems. We often appreciate each other, but when I write something
against the military establishment, then the crows often agitate!"
Unfortunately, he has stopped writing blogs for The Terrorland without
giving any reason.
This has left the Team shattered, and for over a week, he is being
persuaded to write about his suffering as the whole world is silently
monitoring this worst kind of tyranny and oppression against a writer
in the modern age.
Mr. Sulemani along his family members is under great pressure from the
Pakistani military establishment especially the secret agencies, ISI
and MI, which has isolated him in the militarized and Talibanized
Despite appeals for provision of protection and justice, the fragile
civilian government is still silent due to pressure from the powerful
If you are not aware of the tragedy, then, please, read the related
posts and Mr. Suleamani's poems on The Terrorland group blogs'
sidebar. Thanks.
Posted By Webmaster to THE TERRORLAND at 8/29/2011 02:42:00 AM
2011-09-02 14:46:18 UTC
Loving Guy
2011-09-03 03:29:46 UTC
Colonel, grow up... as a general... I never meant a foolish one like
our Pakistani generals.... heeeheeehe ;)
Loving Guy
2011-09-07 06:24:38 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
"Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in
foreign policy." This is what former US Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger has been quoted widely [The Final Days by Bob Woodward].
I have previously seen that quote from Kissinger.  Amazing that
he could speak that much Truth, right out loud, and still be regarded
as a stateman in country that thrives on falsehood.
Reminds of Alan Greenspan publicly, guilelessly admitting
right out loud that the Iraq war was mostly about oil.
Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, and he had to backpedal,
but that truth was already clear enough to anyone who wanted the truth,
which is only a tiny minority engulfed by larger throngs of flag-waving,
blowhard, bully-boy, tragically doomed Americans.
General Petreaus's America has a wonderful penchant for picking
fights with vastly weaker, 3rd-rate Banana Republics and then
losing them.
Not to worry, though.  There is a silver lining in the mushroom cloud.
Losing a war made a better country of Japan.
Lostng a war made a better, more decent country out of Germany.
Losing a REAL war will make a better, more decent, more honest country
out of the United States.
This is not a wish of malice so much as it is a recipe for improvement.
I wish the country humiliating defeat, someday; I wish it well.
Tom Keske
Wow, thanks for this post, Tom.
