I Do
(too old to reply)
2011-01-08 01:09:39 UTC
I Do ( Dedicated to my wife Quanda )

Two words that mean everything
Two words that come with a ring
Two words that stand for something
Two words that without which I have nothing.

This poem is from my new book for the Amazon Kindle, LOVE ( $1.00 )
A collection of poems about love, relationships and heartache.

Buy the book for the Kindle here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004HD67DA
David George
2011-01-20 07:01:56 UTC
Post by glc3
I Do ( Dedicated to my wife Quanda )
Two words that mean everything
Two words that come with a ring
Two words that stand for something
Two words that without which I have nothing.
This poem is from my new book for the Amazon Kindle, LOVE  ( $1.00  )
A collection of  poems about love, relationships and heartache.
Buy the book for the Kindle herehttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B004HD67DA

Don't you think Abba are cute?
[from one who think the bee gees are beaut]

they sang their finale in "Mama Mia"
and send some old tickers ablaze with fever!

The group from Sveden are polished and predictable
From bulls to butterflies their sounds delectable

[I can't remember their name off hand
nor their scandals or inevitable lapses

which appeared in women's magazines I am sure
along with facelifts and prolapses.

But raise a glass of chardonnay
and call for a brassy hip hip hooray

Abba is beaut, Abba is cute,
Abba makes living something less than hirsute.

david... [in praise of the very ordinary]
