Know Nothing Snowball / Will Dockery
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2010-07-26 20:46:19 UTC

Know Nothing Snowball

I walk into Dunk And Dine
to have breakfast
and usher in the dawn.
In the back booth with a cigarette
I think of you
and know there's something going on.
You left me on the sidewalk
looking up
hearing laughter on the second floor.
People say I'm stone crazy
to be in love with you
and get nothing more.
See no evil,
Speak no evil,
Smell no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.

I remember last year in the hallway
of the Courtyard Marriott.
I was standing on the balconly
as you rode by in your chariot.
Staring in the mirror
I know sometimes I look quite ancient.
But I cover up line or two
and with some alchemy
make it transcendant.
Speak no evil,
Stand for evil,
See no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.

She blew him a kiss goodbye
on a transatlantic video conference.
As she smiled across several time zones
His heart broke worldwide
straight through the circumference.

Lost in the Piggly Wiggly
looking for a bag of cheese.
Roger Whittaker crooning about the last farewell
nostalgia nearly brings me
to my knees.
I think of you as a little girl here
summer mudpies still smouldering
Tarzan and the Green Berets
John Brown in his grave moldering.
Speak no evil,
Stand for evil,
See no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.

I'm back at the Dunk And Dine
to have breakfast
and usher in the dawn.
In the back booth with a cigarette
I think of you
and know there's something going on.
You left me on the sidewalk
looking up
hearing laughter on the second floor.
People say I'm out of my mind
to be in love with you
and get nothing more.
See no evil,
Speak no evil,
Smell no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.

-Will Dockery

©2010 / May 16th 2010
2010-07-26 22:02:25 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Know Nothing Snowball
I walk into Dunk And Dine
to have breakfast
and usher in the dawn.
In the back booth with a cigarette
I think of you
and know there's something going on.
You left me on the sidewalk
looking up
hearing laughter on the second floor.
People say I'm stone crazy
to be in love with you
and get nothing more.
See no evil,
Speak no evil,
Smell no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
I remember last year in the hallway
of the Courtyard Marriott.
I was standing on the balconly
as you rode by in your chariot.
Staring in the mirror
I know sometimes I look quite ancient.
But I cover up line or two
and with some alchemy
make it transcendant.
Speak no evil,
Stand for evil,
See no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
She blew him a kiss goodbye
on a transatlantic video conference.
As she smiled across several time zones
His heart broke worldwide
straight through the circumference.
Lost in the Piggly Wiggly
looking for a bag of cheese.
Roger Whittaker crooning about the last farewell
nostalgia nearly brings me
to my knees.
I think of you as a little girl here
summer mudpies still smouldering
Tarzan and the Green Berets
John Brown in his grave moldering.
Speak no evil,
Stand for evil,
See no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
I'm back at the Dunk And Dine
to have breakfast
and usher in the dawn.
In the back booth with a cigarette
I think of you
and know there's something going on.
You left me on the sidewalk
looking up
hearing laughter on the second floor.
People say I'm out of my mind
to be in love with you
and get nothing more.
See no evil,
Speak no evil,
Smell no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
-Will Dockery
©2010 / May 16th 2010
1. too bad the faceliftbook link
requires me to be logged in
because, i have no account
nor do i want one.

2. as much as i'm sure you'd like
this to be a group about lyrics,
it's not...it's a poetry gathering.
therefore, don't be surprised if
some folks don't buy your cheap
cocktails at the duck&dine.

3. what in the hell is a "know nothing snowball"??
the title reeks of a cliche avalanche about ready
to roar down the cliff of poetry mountain.
i understand these are lyrics. therefore,
i also understand the importance of hearing
the accompanying music. however, when
are you ever going to learn that spacefacebook
requires people to be members in order
to enjoy the scenic beauty of its natural cyber
wonders up to and including your precious

4. if we were to approach this as a poem, then
there are some pros and cons.
"stand for evil" in the second and fourth
stanzas stands out like a sour thumb.
it's the only hint that "snowball" refers to
snowball as in avalanche as in avalanche
of loves blind ambition. consequently, the
return to "see no evil" in the dismount
begs the reader to wonder if the narrator
received a blow by a blunt object to the side of the
head before writing this drivel.

b. "marriot" vs. "chariot" just ain't gonna work.
"marriot" is pronounced mary ought while
"chariot" is pronounced cherry ut as in foot
not chariot as in "not." you could possibly
argue the tomato vs. toma(u)to thing, but it's left
to too much conjecture for a serious poem
with a big ol' copyright "c" down at the bottom.

c. the last stanza:
the narrator is back at the old haunt to
usher in a "new" dawn, or is it like a broken record
where he is simply back at the same day starting
over again like "groundhog day?" again, was
the narrator hit over the head with a two by four
before he wrote this? that's a legitimate question.
IOW, instead of "there's SOMETHING going
on," it should probably read "there's NOTHING
going on" because this appears to be recycled
cliche riddled garbage copied directly from the
first stanza. mind you, these are lyrics to
a song and sometimes that makes a difference
upon hearing said song. however, we're
approaching this as a poem since not everyone
has a spaceface account to view the accompanying
"music." and, as indicated above, very little
adds to the effect of a snowball in any part
of this poem: neither growing nor melting.

it's one of your shorter pieces.

: )
Will Dockery
2010-07-26 22:29:12 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Know Nothing Snowball
I walk into Dunk And Dine
to have breakfast
and usher in the dawn.
In the back booth with a cigarette
I think of you
and know there's something going on.
You left me on the sidewalk
looking up
hearing laughter on the second floor.
People say I'm stone crazy
to be in love with you
and get nothing more.
See no evil,
Speak no evil,
Smell no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
I remember last year in the hallway
of the Courtyard Marriott.
I was standing on the balconly
as you rode by in your chariot.
Staring in the mirror
I know sometimes I look quite ancient.
But I cover up line or two
and with some alchemy
make it transcendant.
Speak no evil,
Stand for evil,
See no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
She blew him a kiss goodbye
on a transatlantic video conference.
As she smiled across several time zones
His heart broke worldwide
straight through the circumference.
Lost in the Piggly Wiggly
looking for a bag of cheese.
Roger Whittaker crooning about the last farewell
nostalgia nearly brings me
to my knees.
I think of you as a little girl here
summer mudpies still smouldering
Tarzan and the Green Berets
John Brown in his grave moldering.
Speak no evil,
Stand for evil,
See no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
I'm back at the Dunk And Dine
to have breakfast
and usher in the dawn.
In the back booth with a cigarette
I think of you
and know there's something going on.
You left me on the sidewalk
looking up
hearing laughter on the second floor.
People say I'm out of my mind
to be in love with you
and get nothing more.
See no evil,
Speak no evil,
Smell no evil,
you're a Know Nothing Snowball.
-Will Dockery
©2010 / May 16th 2010
1.  too bad the faceliftbook link
     requires me to be logged in
     because, i have no account
     nor do i want one.
I need to remember that, I'm growing quite unhappy with the
"exclusive" nature of Facebook.
2.  as much as i'm sure you'd like
     this to be a group about lyrics,
     it's not...it's a poetry gathering.
     therefore, don't be surprised if
     some folks don't buy your cheap
     cocktails at the duck&dine.
3.  what in the hell is a "know nothing snowball"??
     the title reeks of a cliche avalanche about ready
     to roar down the cliff of poetry mountain.
     i understand these are lyrics.  therefore,
     i also understand the importance of hearing
     the accompanying music.  however, when
     are you ever going to learn that spacefacebook
     requires people to be members in order
     to enjoy the scenic beauty of its natural cyber
     wonders up to and including your precious
4.  if we were to approach this as a poem, then
     there are some pros and cons.
     "stand for evil" in the second and fourth
     stanzas stands out like a sour thumb.
     it's the only hint that "snowball" refers to
     snowball as in avalanche as in avalanche
     of loves blind ambition.  consequently, the
     return to "see no evil" in the dismount
     begs the reader to wonder if the narrator
     received a blow by a blunt object to the side of the
I did get a pretty heavy blow a couple of weeks ago when the (broken)
trunk lid of the car slammed the back of my head. Starry-starry
     b.  "marriot" vs. "chariot" just ain't gonna work.
      "marriot" is pronounced mary ought while
Maybe a "Southern Thing" but we rhyme them down here.
      "chariot" is pronounced cherry ut as in foot
       not chariot as in "not."  you could possibly
      argue the tomato vs. toma(u)to thing, but it's left
      to too much conjecture for a serious poem
      with a big ol' copyright "c" down at the bottom.
      the narrator is back at the old haunt to
      usher in a "new" dawn, or is it like a broken record
      where he is simply back at the same day starting
      over again like "groundhog day?"  again, was
      the narrator hit over the head with a two by four
      before he wrote this?  that's a legitimate question.
      IOW, instead of "there's SOMETHING going
      on," it should probably read "there's NOTHING
      going on" because this appears to be recycled
      cliche riddled garbage copied directly from the
      first stanza.  mind you, these are lyrics to
      a song and sometimes that makes a difference
      upon hearing said song.  however, we're
      approaching this as a poem since not everyone
      has a spaceface account to view the accompanying
      "music."  and, as indicated above, very little
      adds to the effect of a snowball in any part
      of this poem: neither growing nor melting.
      it's one of your shorter pieces.
:  )
Thanks for reading & commenting. (tm)

Will Dockery and the Shadowville Allstars at Hogbottom V in 2010.
