Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity -- a poet/writer from solitary-confinement
(too old to reply)
Loving Guy
2011-08-01 10:10:10 UTC

Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity

By Habib R. Sulemani

TODAY I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date:
July 29, 2011. "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought while looking outside the window.

The Pakistani government and military establishment, especially the
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI), all
are surprised how I've survived this long in such a miserable
situation as they've systematically isolated me in the whole country.
The superstitious may consider it a miracle... but it's my
determination to bring those satanic characters to justice who are
using religion, race and nationalism as weapons against humanity in

I can't go outside my home to avoid further assassination attempts
amid threats from the secret agencies and their puppets. Thanks to my
parents, brothers and sisters who have been with me during this
challenging time. Everyone of them is suffering, directly or
indirectly, at the hands of the state. The doors of universities have
been shut on my poor sister Nasira Parveen, who is paying the price
for my writings for over 16 months. Despite the activities of the
regime's rumor-mills and psychological warfare brigade, we all are
determined to fight for our legal rights in a peaceful way, no mater
how long it takes. Justice is our collective mission and people are
joining us silently in this mission.

How hard these days, weeks, months and years have been for me and my
family? It's very difficult to express in words right now in this
blog. It's worth a book rather books. (Readers of The Terrorland group
blogs have an idea of this tragedy. As the legal process has yet not
started, therefore, every shred of evidence couldn't be put on the
internet. So you may be in the dark yet but, please, wait for the
ultimate truth that would be out soon!).

Considering me the greatest challenge, the Pakistani military
establishment through the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) is
busy in spreading rumors against me and my family members as a part of
its typical propaganda campaign. But the rumormongers have exposed
themselves in their own stupid way. Their psychological warfare
tactics have badly failed and members of the criminal brigade have
lost their senses. Sources say they themselves have literally become
schizophrenic due to the ongoing pressure from their lunatic bosses in
Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The generals have failed the nation in wars
and protecting our country, and it's time to bring them to justice.
Only this can make the nation stronger.

The ISI and MI have been terrorizing my family members, relatives,
friends and colleagues, especially those who wanted to contact me
during these hard times. They're told by the secret agencies and their
agents not to talk about the three attacks on my life, and my
confinement. "Behave as if nothing has happened ever," an ISI officer
has told someone who wanted to contact me. "Change the subject
whenever he (me) talks about us (ISI, MI and their stooges). Clearly
tell him, he is alone and can't do anything. Come along!"

The people are so scared of the criminals in power. There is terror
in the air, everywhere.

Someone has sent me a report of The New York Times, Pakistan Spies on
Its Diaspora, Spreading Fear, saying: "If the ISI is terrorizing
people even in the United States what would it not be doing in
Pakistan. Habib! What you've been writing long ago, the international
media is now confirming it. One day not only Pakistan but the whole
world would say: Thank you!"

The Times report has quoted an unnamed Pakistani author (similar to
The Terrorland Team which omits names for security reasons) living in
the U.S.:

“The ISI guys will look into your eyes and will indirectly threaten
you by introducing themselves,” the author said. “The ISI makes sure
that they are present in every occasion relating to Pakistan, and in
some cases they pay ordinary Pakistanis for attending events and pass
them information.”

Anyway, when this month I opened an account on the Facebook, it was
really a very nice experience, but the terror of the Pakistani secret
agencies is even there! People are afraid to talk to me or have any
kind of link to me as my phones, emails and social pages etc are being
monitored by the secret agencies, sometimes even hacked. There is an
unexplained feeling among the terrorized people: the cyber brigade of
the ISI and MI is watching!

So, I was told to restrict and use strict privacy conditions for the
safety of my Facebook friends as there're shocking stories how some
people, who had commented on The Terrorland, were punished and
harassed (due to their security, things couldn't be disclosed any

In a nutshell: the ISI and MI with the help of their stooges are doing
everything to downplay whatever I do or say. The generals' hands are
on the nukes and mine are on the keyboard of my laptop. And, I know:
failure is the fate of those governments and officials who commit
crime against their own innocent people. I'm destined to win the war
for the 180 million helpless people of Pakistan.

This zeal and determination was high when I came to know the other day
that Canada has arrested a suspected Pakistani war criminal. This
brings to mind the many forgotten allegations of war crimes and crime
against humanity, committed by the military especially the Pakistan
Army. The common people in this country want justice and
accountability of the military. They say: besides the huge income from
the military's agricultural and business conglomerates, the generals
consumes 80 percent of our budget, and still they're unable to protect
us. What a shame.

Generals can't hush up the whole affair any longer.

The nation has seen videos of summary executions and torture of
citizens especially children, women and elderly people. Last year I
saw a shocking video of a summary execution in Swat. I can hear the
echoing screams even today. The military authorities had said that the
case was being investigated. What happened to the investigation?
Nobody knows really.

The military leadership often accuses the laws of the land for letting
arrested terrorists go free. But the generals can punish the culprits
within through their own military courts without any such objection.
But why there is no convictions as yet?

In their typical style, the generals may be thinking that there is
silence in the country: people may have forgotten the gruesome crimes.
But they must keep in mind that the issue is very much alive, people
are silent due to fear of a similar fate: summary executions or
torture. Now, I'm speaking... but when the time comes, they all will

The ISI and ISPR may try to hide things especially release of new
evidence of the alleged war crimes, but it will not work in the long
run. Hidden facts will come out sooner or later in the globalized
world. So, don't try to be extra-smart... the nation and world both
have weighed you accurately!

Therefore, it's in the best interest of both the military and country
to bring the criminals in the uniform to justice. Look, they're
involved in torture and killing of innocent civilians in Balochistan,
Khybar Pakhtunkhwa and other parts of Pakistan. The multi-million
propaganda campaign will not improve the tarnished image of the
Pakistan Army. No matter what pop singer Hadiqa Kiyani does along with
Army Chief General Kayani, during calamities, that can’t do much to
impress the common people. But provision of justice and accountability
of the military can do miracles!

Come on, tired and elderly generals! During your 30-plus-years of
services in the fields of politics and business, the global military
culture has changed beyond your imagination! Now criminal cases can go
directly to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Therefore, if not
God, at least fear the ICC!

Posted By Webmaster to THE TERRORLAND at 7/29/2011 08:05:00 PM
All rights reserved © 2010-2011 The Terrorland
Virtual Shadow
2011-08-01 14:30:52 UTC
"Loving Guy" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:d5a58d7b-2823-4f55-b14f-***@k27g2000yqn.googlegroups.com...

Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity

By Habib R. Sulemani

TODAY: I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date: July
29, 2011. "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought, looking outside the window. Then I woke
up from a wet dream and discovered that I had peed my bed.

Loving Guy
2011-08-02 07:26:02 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity
By Habib R. Sulemani
TODAY:  I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date: July
29, 2011.  "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought, looking outside the window.  Then I woke
up from a wet dream and discovered that I had peed my bed.
Hee heee heeee..... BTW, if u were in the "militarized and Talibanized
Pakistan", then u would have got difference btween dream and
reality... many people in the "free world" think like u and they
suffer... terror attacks and national debts... heee heee.....
Virtual Shadow
2011-08-02 16:21:06 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity
By Habib R. Sulemani
TODAY: I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date: July
29, 2011. "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought, looking outside the window. Then I
up from a wet dream and discovered that I had peed my bed.
Hee heee heeee..... BTW, if u were in the "militarized and Talibanized
Pakistan", then u would have got difference btween dream and
reality... many people in the "free world" think like u and they
suffer... terror attacks and national debts... heee heee.....

LOL! Your just a goat fucker and a queer and coward. No one pays a phaggot
like you any mind. LOL
Loving Guy
2011-08-03 14:56:08 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity
By Habib R. Sulemani
TODAY:  I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date: July
29, 2011.  "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought, looking outside the window.  Then I woke
up from a wet dream and discovered that I had peed my bed.
Lolz, we can't imagine the pain unless we suffer from the same....
Virtual Shadow
2011-08-04 14:06:36 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity
By Habib R. Sulemani
TODAY: I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date: July
29, 2011. "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought, looking outside the window. Then I
up from a wet dream and discovered that I had peed my bed.
Lolz, we can't imagine the pain unless we suffer from the same....

Suffer the pain of my cock up yer ass then! LOL
Loving Guy
2011-08-16 01:49:05 UTC
Post by Loving Guy
Post by Loving Guy
Pakistan Army and crimes against humanity
By Habib R. Sulemani
TODAY: I looked at the calendar and found my eyes fixed on the date: July
29, 2011. "So, I've completed 16 months of solitary-confinement
in this cell-like room," I thought, looking outside the window. Then I
up from a wet dream and discovered that I had peed my bed.
Lolz, we can't imagine the pain unless we suffer from the same....
Suffer the pain of my cock up yer ass then!  LOL
Virtual Shadow, thanks for the time and comments. I respect you and
your views.

"Freedom of expression — spit the venom out and be peaceful !" The
Terrorland http://theterrorland.blogspot.com/2011/07/freedom-of-expression-spit-venom-out.html