Moonlit Mile / Will Dockery
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2010-10-16 21:35:16 UTC
she needs to give written credit to William Shakespeare.
No, Cythera, you should be well-read, intelligent and/or "educated"
enough to know that a homage to someone as well-known and legendary as
W.S. (or even Jagger-Richards, who you foolishly mention below) is
much different from "borrowing" from an obscure poet where the casual
reader is unlikely to know the reference.

That's been called in the past "trying to pass the work off as your
own", as Rik Roots put it.
that you owe it to Jagger/Richards for your phrase "moonlit mile."
The Rolling Stones have "Moonlight Mile", not "Moonlit Mile", Cythera.

See above for the lowdown on that, Cythera, plus, my poem "Moonlit
Mile", has very little-to-nothing in common, really, with the Rolling
Stones masterpiece, which is, again, called "Moonlight Mile", not

Moonlit Mile

So many tears on a moonlit mile
through Aokigahara forest
old man tips his snow cap.

-Will Dockery


Poetry & Music of Will Dockery & Friends:
Will Dockery
2010-10-16 22:01:38 UTC
Your lover's name?
No--- "Have A Nice Day."

Moonlit Mile

So many tears on a moonlit mile
through Aokigahara forest
old man tips his snow cap.

-Will Dockery


Poetry & Music of Will Dockery & Friends:
Barbara's Cat
2010-10-16 23:43:32 UTC
Your lover's name?
Even it rejects you, eh, Goober?

"I win."
- Goober Dockery
getting nowhere,
gaining nothing,
Will Dockery
2010-10-17 01:59:07 UTC
Post by Barbara's Cat
Even it rejects you
Having comprehension problems again, Barbie?

IOW, what do these statements have to do with my poem "Moonlit Mile"?

Post by Barbara's Cat
Moonlit Mile
So many tears on a moonlit mile
through Aokigahara forest
old man tips his snow cap.
-Will Dockery
Hieronymous Corey
2010-10-17 10:26:11 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Barbara's Cat
Even it rejects you
Having comprehension problems again, Barbie?
IOW, what do these statements have to do with my poem "Moonlit Mile"?
They are exemplars, as "Moonlit Mile" is the perfect exemplar of both
your work, and your attitude toward your work. I bet you're real
proud of yourself there now aren't you mister smartypants. Don't
answer. That's not a question.
Will Dockery
2010-10-17 13:21:11 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
They are exemplars, as "Moonlit Mile" is the perfect exemplar of both
your work, and your attitude toward your work.
Thanks, but a little more detail here would be even more appreciated, -
Post by Hieronymous Corey
 I bet you're real
proud of yourself there now aren't you mister smartypants.  Don't
answer.  That's not a question.

Moonlit Mile / Will Dockery:
Hieronymous Corey
2010-10-17 19:10:20 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
They are exemplars, as "Moonlit Mile" is the perfect exemplar of both
your work, and your attitude toward your work.
Thanks, but a little more detail here would be even more appreciated, -
Fuck you. Read that part of my post that you snipped again. Read it
ten times. Then, if you still need more detail, ask again nicely.
Maybe I'll take pity on you, if I think you're asking humbly enough,
and deign to reply. I don't think so, but you can try.
Will Dockery
2010-10-17 21:24:03 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
They are exemplars, as "Moonlit Mile" is the perfect exemplar of both
your work, and your attitude toward your work.
Thanks, but a little more detail here would be even more appreciated, -
Fuck you. Read that part of my post that you snipped again. Read it
ten times. Then, if you still need more detail, ask again nicely.
Maybe I'll take pity on you, if I think you're asking humbly enough,
and deign to reply. I don't think so, but you can try.
Okay, that sounds like a plan, then... heh.

Moonlit Mile
Post by Hieronymous Corey
So many tears on a moonlit mile
through Aokigahara forest
old man tips his snow cap.
-Will Dockery
Moonlit Mile / Will Dockery:
Will Dockery
2010-10-28 08:48:33 UTC
"That sounds like a repeat of the way Tom Bishop ended his friendship
with me, when he did a "Michael Cook" on Karla's poem, and put it,
almost word-for-word with a video on his website, I, like you,
"reviewed the evidence, I came up with my honest conclusion", which
was completely on Karla's side. It helped that I had been through
almost exactly the same situation the year before with the theft of my
"Karma Bombs" poem (which is a famous story, no need to repeat here,
you accepted what Cook offered.
Yes, after stealing "Karma Bombs" from me, Michael Cook turned the
recording over to me, at which point I added a "Will Dockery" credit
line, which he had for whatever reason left of, thus trying to pass
the work off as his own.
It certainly should not be "over and done with".
But it is, PJR. Michael Cook stole my poem "Karma Bombs", made a word-
for-word recording of it (this time I use that term %100 correctly,
Karla), as Cook stole my poem, didn't change a word of it, but managed
to leave any credit off his version to me as the writer of the poem
(as well as the owner, who he never asked my permission to use the
poem, either).

These facts make Michael Cook a copyright abuser, poetry thief and
plagiarist, but since he gave the recording to me to use, and backed
off, it is indeed "over and done with" because I want it to be. I own
the rights, and also have the right to choose what is done with my
property, the "Karma Bombs" poem.
I don't remember Mr Cook, alias God, "offering"
Well, mainly what he did was "take" and "steal"--- and Karla, the
roots of the term "borrowed" is here, as Cook responded that's what he
had done when:

Dockery: "Hey! You stole my poem!"

Cook: "Not stolen, borrowed."
Mr Cook gave permission to host Mr Cook's recording on another site,
No, that's not really accurate at all, PJR, since the "Karma Bombs"
poem was stolen by him in the first place, he had no rights to it at
all, and was not authorized to give "permission" as to the use of my
poem in any way.

Poetry & Music of Will Dockery & Friends:
Peter J Ross
2010-10-30 18:54:38 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Thu, 28 Oct 2010 01:48:33 -0700 (PDT),
Will Dockery <***@gmail.com> wrote:


I was talking about you, not to you, Dreckery.

If ever I think your opinion is worth having, I'll ask for it - if the
men in white coats will let me.
PJR :-)
Will Dockery
2010-10-30 21:05:20 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
I was talking about you, not to you
"That sounds like a repeat of the way Tom Bishop ended his friendship
with me, when he did a "Michael Cook" on Karla's poem, and put it,
almost word-for-word with a video on his website, I, like you,
"reviewed the evidence, I came up with my honest conclusion", which
was completely on Karla's side. It helped that I had been through
almost exactly the same situation the year before with the theft of my
"Karma Bombs" poem (which is a famous story, no need to repeat here,
you accepted what Cook offered.
Yes, after stealing "Karma Bombs" from me, Michael Cook turned the
recording over to me, at which point I added a "Will Dockery" credit
line, which he had for whatever reason left of, thus trying to pass
the work off as his own.
It certainly should not be "over and done with".
But it is, PJR. Michael Cook stole my poem "Karma Bombs", made a word-
for-word recording of it (this time I use that term %100 correctly,
Karla), as Cook stole my poem, didn't change a word of it, but managed
to leave any credit off his version to me as the writer of the poem
(as well as the owner, who he never asked my permission to use the
poem, either).
These facts make Michael Cook a copyright abuser, poetry thief and
plagiarist, but since he gave the recording to me to use, and backed
off, it is indeed "over and done with" because I want it to be. I own
the rights, and also have the right to choose what is done with my
property, the "Karma Bombs" poem.
I don't remember Mr Cook, alias God, "offering"
Well, mainly what he did was "take" and "steal"--- and Karla, the
roots of the term "borrowed" is here, as Cook responded that's what he
Dockery: "Hey! You stole my poem!"
Cook: "Not stolen, borrowed."
Mr Cook gave permission to host Mr Cook's recording on another site,
No, that's not really accurate at all, PJR, since the "Karma Bombs"
poem was stolen by him in the first place, he had no rights to it at
all, and was not authorized to give "permission" as to the use of my
poem in any way.
I note that the truth must sting, PJR, for you to have to snip the
entire post above to slide in one of your silly one-liner insults.

Try again, pal.

She Sleeps Tight / Will Dockery (video):
