(too old to reply)
Ted L
2011-02-15 22:14:51 UTC
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks

Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011
2011-02-16 03:00:31 UTC
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.

Will Dockery
2011-02-16 03:29:40 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I kind of wonder about old Ted L, when I looked at his profile:


Name: Ted
Email address: ***@gmail.com
Website or Blog: http://www.gotquestions.org/eternal-life.html
About me: The above link is a brief gospel message of salvation from
the word of God.
Repent so you won't have to be one for whom "the Lord Jesus shall be
revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking
vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting
destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his
power" (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9)

Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
George Dance
2011-02-16 03:42:07 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
Name:  Ted
Website or Blog:  http://www.gotquestions.org/eternal-life.html
About me:  The above link is a brief gospel message of salvation from
the word of God.
Repent so you won't have to be one for whom "the Lord Jesus shall be
revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking
vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting
destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his
power" (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9)
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
I'd take it at face value; he's someone who found a poetry site he
liked and wanted to do something to promote it. It seems to me that
can happen to an evangelical just as it can to anyone else.
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 12:40:57 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.
It's not a misrepresentation
That's not for you to decide, Corey. I'm the one being misrepresented,
not you, so it really isn't any of your concern either way.

Some homegrown psychedelia from me & the Shadowville All-Stars...
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 12:50:40 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.
It's not a misrepresentation
That's not for you to decide, Corey. I'm the one being misrepresented,
not you, so it really isn't any of your concern either way.
I observed no misrepresentation, and mentioned my observation.
Anybody who wants to look at the posting on the blog as evidence, or
ask Ted L. specifically, can decide for themselves whether you were
misrepresented or not. Nobody here is stupid enough to accept your
hurt feelings and unsupported assertion that you were misrepresented
without examining things for what they are.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 14:14:43 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.
It's not a misrepresentation
That's not for you to decide, Corey. I'm the one being misrepresented,
not you, so it really isn't any of your concern either way.
I know. I see what you found. I don't see what you see. I don't
think Ted meant to misrepresent you. What you found, and how you
chose to perceive it are two different things. Everybody can read
what Ted wrote and decide for themselves what he meant by it. You
make the same choice. You can choose to feel wronged and
misrepresented and express those feelings as you have, or you can
choose to see it differently and act accordingly. If a half a glass
is all that's offered, you can argue about half full half empty and
remain thirsty, or you can truly appreciate the offering, say thanks,
and quench your thirst. It's all about the choices we make. Love
your neighbor. You may never see him again. Then where will you be?
Ted L
2011-02-16 23:35:29 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
That's because I'm a born again Christian. A member of what the Bible
calls God's royal priesthood, offering my body and praises to God as a
living sacrifice being dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through
Jesus Christ. That means my sins have been forgiven having recognized
that in the presence of a holy God I'd be forever in hell were it not
for the marvelous work of my Lord and Saviour who paid my sin debt
with his own blood. He was sinless so he was able and all sufficient
to pay it and be raised up, and I with him, unto a lively hope.

But w.r.t Planet Janet, I want her to be encouraged if there's any
room for it in her fellow poets busy schedules. Not that secular
poetry is at all Christ-honoring either fyi. It's rather antagonistic
actually. Helen Stiener Rice, now that's pretty good poetry in my
sanctified opinion.

Look at her personal stash of ten commandments for instance (although
it's meaningless unless you've been born again by the Spirit of God by
faith in Jesus):

The personal commandments of Helen Steiner Rice emphasized optimism:

1. Thou shalt be happy

2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.

3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.

4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.

5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.

6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.

7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.

8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.

9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.

10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can
hurt me.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 00:07:44 UTC
Post by Ted L
But w.r.t Planet Janet, I want her to be encouraged if there's any
room for it in her fellow poets busy schedules.
That won't happen. It's a rat race out here. It's not that we're an
uncaring lot, but times are tough and it's not like there's any
shortage of poets about. No offense, but we just don't need her.
It's survival of the fittest; every poet for him or herself. I hope
you understand. We're just not generally inclined to be encouraging
of one another. It's not in our nature. You can tell her I said to
have a nice day though.
Ted L
2011-02-17 04:07:52 UTC
Post by Ted L
But w.r.t Planet Janet, I want her to be encouraged if there's any
room for it in her fellow poets busy schedules.
That won't happen. It's a rat race out here.  It's not that we're an
uncaring lot, but times are tough and it's not like there's any
shortage of poets about.  No offense, but we just don't need her.
It's survival of the fittest; every poet for him or herself.  I hope
you understand.  We're just not generally inclined to be encouraging
of one another.  It's not in our nature.  You can tell her I said to
have a nice day though.
Simply stated, you need to be born again and start going to church.
You'll come home ready to provoke other poets to love and to do good
works rather than live in hopeless misery that logically follows
evolutionary beliefs of script. Evolutionary origins of poetry is a
lie of the devil. Yeah Corey, poetry has a meaning and a purpose and
didn't come from some primordial ink well shocked with a bolt of
lighning at 'just the right time'. Just look at the irreducible
complexity of even the simplest base limrick such as "There once was a
man from Nantucket". This most basic building block of all poetry did
not just "spring out of nowhere" as you learned in public school.
Evolutionary poetic theory simply cannot explain how transitional
forms of this preamble could survive without the others. And show me
please the millions and millions of wadded up papers in and flowing
out of trash cans next to the desk in the bedroom that perchance led
to the final formation of it. You might just as well expect a tornado
to hit a book rack of harlequins and expect a Janet Planet piece to
emerge. What utter fool hardiness. Face the facts and look at the
evidence: All poetry got it's start, at the latest, 6000 or so years
ago and appeared fully formed. Read Genesis, it's self-evident that
while "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"
concurrent to the recording of this event was the creation of poetry
itself from the hand of the Almighty. And it's plainly stated in
Genesis that there is no way one can deduce millions of random
grammatical errors as occurring in some hidden brush stroke of the
very word. Take the text as written, the literal, inerrant,
infallible, very word of the greatest of all poets.

I think the truth scares you and so does Planet Janet. Were I to get
her and bring her in you know she'd take over and start running
everything. Just look at her. Her work. It's no shame to say she's
out of your league, who isn't really, but such an artist as Planet
Janet Stuff can not be introduced into this system without sending
massive shockwaves of perturbations among all members that make up
this lower amalgum. Yes the truth hurts sometimes but sometimes it is
said whether you wanted to hear it or not. Truth is found in the King
James Bible and it convicts you of your sin, and poets prefer the dark
when their deeds are evil. Truth is a person, his name is Jesus.
Truth is the way to eternal life. The poet that believeth on the Son
hath everlasting life: and the poet that believeth not the Son shall
not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on them.
(John 3:36, 14:6)

For God so loved all poets that he gave his only begotten Son that
whatsoever poet believeth in him should not perish but have eternal
life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn poets but
that the poets through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17)

I hope that finally sets things aright with you.

Ted L
2011-02-17 04:23:24 UTC
... Just look at her.  Her work.  It's no shame to say she's
out of your league, who isn't really, but such an artist as Planet
I meant "who isn't really out of Planet Janet's league" not who isn't
out of your league. Christians should NOT speak evil of anyone sorry
if I appeared contrary to that directrive from the Lord, which is
given at Titus 3:2 of your faithfully translated version of the Holy
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 11:02:26 UTC
Post by Ted L
... Just look at her.  Her work.  It's no shame to say she's
out of your league, who isn't really, but such an artist as Planet
I meant "who isn't really out of Planet Janet's league" not who isn't
out of your league.  Christians should NOT speak evil of anyone sorry
if I appeared contrary to that directrive from the Lord, which is
given at Titus 3:2 of your faithfully translated version of the Holy
Either way is fine. I accede to the assertion that Planet Janet is
out of my league irrespective of the fact that I am not league
affiliated. If I were in a league, it would be minor compared to
hers. You needn't be concerned with having spoken evil of anyone I
know. That's not much of a concession since I really don't know many
people, so you should still probably be a bit circumspect of your
commentary for the sake of prudence if not propriety. Good luck out
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 10:15:43 UTC
Post by Ted L
Simply stated, you need to be born again and start going to church.
Simply stated, you need to know who you're talking to, and understand
what you're saying to them. Other than that, I don't see any reason
for you to think you'd need to apologize to me. I would if I were
you, but that's just me. I certainly wouldn't hold you to my own
personal sense of ethics or morality, although I do wish you all the
Post by Ted L
I think the truth scares you and so does Planet Janet.  
Of course the truth scares me. Not the whole truth, but there are
little hidden parts of the truth that when discovered, revealed and
realized can be quite shocking, like lightening. Lightening scares me
sometimes, but mostly because I was almost hit by lightening once. I
got knocked unconscious, and my friend was killed. It was a long time
ago, but I still remember the shock and awe.
Post by Ted L
I hope that finally sets things aright with you.
I'm cool. How about you; you okay?
Ted L
2011-02-18 00:07:23 UTC
Of course the truth scares me.  Not the whole truth, but there are
little hidden parts of the truth that when discovered, revealed and
realized can be quite shocking, like lightening.  Lightening scares me
sometimes, but mostly because I was almost hit by lightening once.  I
got knocked unconscious, and my friend was killed.  It was a long time
ago, but I still remember the shock and awe.
The Bible says it is appointed once for a man to die and after this
the judgement. (Heb 9:27) You didn't get lucky in not being killed, it
just wasn't your appointed time. It was your friend's time, perhaps
to remind you what Jesus said to his disciples, that our time is
always ready (John 7:6) so don't count on waiting for tomorrow to ask
Jesus to save you if you haven't already. (Hebrews 4:7) If you have
ben saved, he is Lord of your life and there should be no doubt. (2
Corinthians 5:17)
Post by Ted L
I hope that finally sets things aright with you.
I'm cool.  How about you; you okay?

Love Ted
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-18 00:20:15 UTC
Post by Ted L
The Bible says
No, actually the bible doesn't say anything. You interpret the words
of the Bible in a manner than provides comfort, solace, and meaning
for you in much the same way that hundreds of millions of other people
interpret the same and other purportedly sacred texts so that they can
find comfort, solace, and meaning for themselves. The greatest story
ever told has been told in a number of ways over the years.
Post by Ted L
it is appointed once for a man to die and after this
the judgement. (Heb 9:27) You didn't get lucky in not being killed, it
just wasn't your appointed time.  It was your friend's time, perhaps
to remind you what Jesus said to his disciples, that our time is
always ready (John 7:6) so don't count on waiting for tomorrow to ask
Jesus to save you if you haven't already. (Hebrews 4:7) If you have
ben saved, he is Lord of your life and there should be no doubt. (2
Corinthians 5:17)
Post by Ted L
I hope that finally sets things aright with you.
I'm cool.  How about you; you okay?
You don't read like you're rejoicing.
Post by Ted L
Love Ted
You don't read like a Love Ted either.
Ted L
2011-02-18 03:01:32 UTC
On Feb 17, 6:20 pm, Hieronymous Corey <***@gmail.com>
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
I'm cool.  How about you; you okay?
You don't read like you're rejoicing.
Post by Ted L
Love Ted
You don't read like a Love Ted either.
Both rejoicing and loving are commandments for the Christian to keep
and not heart-dependent motivations.

Surprised? The Bible also says not to trust your heart because it's
deceitful and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) One of the great
lies of the world, and especially embraced by women, is the notion
that we can trust and follow our heart. Genesis 6:5-6 "And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it
grieved him at his heart."
"...every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of
the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the
fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah
only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark." (Genesis

Then God witholds wrath for a season:

"... I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for
the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth". Genesis 8:21

Loving and rejoicing isn't all touchy feely fun and goodie. It's
warning sinners of the wide path to damnation and sharing with you the
way of the strait gate and narrow path that leads to eternal life,
despite being resented (at the mildest of reactions) for it by the
many who prefer the wide path of everlasting destruction.

Love Ted
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-18 11:01:45 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
I'm cool.  How about you; you okay?
You don't read like you're rejoicing.
Post by Ted L
Love Ted
You don't read like a Love Ted either.
Both rejoicing and loving are commandments for the Christian to keep
and not heart-dependent motivations.
Surprised?  The Bible also says not to trust your heart because it's
deceitful and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9) One of the great
lies of the world, and especially embraced by women, is the notion
that we can trust and follow our heart.  Genesis 6:5-6 "And GOD saw
that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it
grieved him at his heart."
"...every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of
the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the
fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah
only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark." (Genesis
"... I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for
the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth". Genesis 8:21
Loving and rejoicing isn't all touchy feely fun and goodie.  It's
warning sinners of the wide path to damnation and sharing with you the
way of the strait gate and narrow path that leads to eternal life,
despite being resented (at the mildest of reactions) for it by the
many who prefer the wide path of everlasting destruction.
Love Ted
I think you're an idiot, Ted. I think you have no real idea what
you're saying, who you're saying it to, or why. I think what you call
love and rejoicing is just the cheap thrill you get from
proselytizing. Good luck with that, by the way.
Ted L
2011-02-18 12:54:45 UTC
I think you're an idiot, Ted.  I think you have no real idea what
you're saying, who you're saying it to, or why.  I think what you call
love and rejoicing is just the cheap thrill you get from
proselytizing.  Good luck with that, by the way.
And of course God gives me the response to your hurtful speech from
His Word the Bible:
"If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the
spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil
spoken of, but on your part he is glorified." 1 Peter 4:14

But you might take heed from back in Luke 13 when Jesus said in both
verses 3 and 5 (for emphasis), "except ye repent, ye shall all
likewise perish."

Love Ted
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-18 13:26:29 UTC
Post by Ted L
hurtful speech
See, right there. You're obviously an idiot, Ted. I never said
anything to you, hurtful or otherwise. I articulated words in text
just like I would have if we'd spoken. Whatever you felt then, or
feel right now by virtue of reading this is in you. I promise you
that I didn't, wouldn't, and won't put anything hurtful in any of my
speeches here. It's just not my nature. I actually really enjoy
doing this like you can't imagine, have done it for years, and can't
imagine why you would possibly think I'd ever want to hurt you. If
you're not thoroughly enjoying yourself by reading this right now
while simultaneously considering your most prudent, efficient, and
effective course of action from this point forth then you're simply
wasting your time here, and it doesn't matter at all what you think
the Bible says about that, because every word of this is absolutely,
positively, one hundred percent unadulterated truth, so help me God.
Please have a nice day, idiot.
Ted L
2011-02-18 18:14:37 UTC
<snip> idiot...idiot.
"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they
shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." Matthew 12:36,
God's Word the Bible.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-18 19:37:43 UTC
Post by Ted L
<snip> idiot...idiot.
"But I say unto you
No, you don't. You don't say unto me because you're afraid to say
unto me, obviously, because you think I mean to hurt you by calling
you an idiot, so you hide idly behind the word in Matthew. No
Post by Ted L
That every idle word that men shall speak, they
shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."  Matthew 12:36,
God's Word the Bible.
Will Dockery
2011-02-17 08:35:49 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
That's because I'm a born again Christian.
Well, I kinda assumed that.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Peter J Ross
2011-02-17 10:01:40 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:35:29 -0800 (PST),
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
That's because I'm a born again Christian.
Why use three words when one ("moron") would suffice?

PJR :-)
George Dance
2011-02-17 15:51:13 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:35:29 -0800 (PST),
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
That's because I'm a born again Christian.
Why use three words when one ("moron") would suffice?
Why aren't you using "nigger" or "mud person", ~pj~?
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 16:21:54 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:35:29 -0800 (PST),
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
That's because I'm a born again Christian.
Why use three words when one ("moron") would suffice?
Why aren't you using "nigger" or "mud person", ~pj~?
You should know better, moron. George, look. You are oblivious to
the obvious. Your question is ridiculous. You are a moron for even
thinking it, not to mention asking. You are neither of the two
insulting words you quoted, but you are without a doubt a moron. Do
you see, and can you feel the difference? If you can accept the
simple fact with good humour that you are a moron with regard to the
words you asked Peter about, then you'll know for a fact that there is
no insult suggested or implicit in this comment to you. If you can't,
then I think you should go fuck yourself, and I mean that in the
nicest way possible.
George Dance
2011-02-17 17:09:21 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:35:29 -0800 (PST),
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Ted L's other posts seem to be quite a lot of this cut-and-paste
Christianity stuff... curious.
That's because I'm a born again Christian.
Why use three words when one ("moron") would suffice?
Why aren't you using "nigger" or "mud person", ~pj~?
You should know better, moron.  George, look.  You are oblivious to the obvious.  
Oh, so it's "obvious" to you that born-again Christians are all of low
IQ? I'm surprised you would think something as stupid. (Not ~pj~, of
course, since he makes a career out of being stupid.)
Your question is ridiculous.  You are a moron for even
thinking it, not to mention asking.  You are neither of > the two insulting words you quoted
Bzzt! First of all, you don't either of those about me. Second, we
weren't talking about me, but about Ted, and neither ~pj~ nor you know
either one about him.
but you are without a doubt a moron.  Do
you see, and can you feel the difference?  
I can see there isn't any. Whether Ted is a "moron" or not is a
question of fact, and it's a fact that ~pj~ doesn't know -- just as
you don't know my IQ. ~pj~ was bullshitting, just as you're
bullshitting here.
If you can accept the
simple fact with good humour that you are a moron with regard to the
words you asked Peter about, then you'll know for a fact that there is
no insult suggested or implicit in this comment to you.
I understand what you're trying to express -- that, for instance, when
I call you and ~pj~ bullshitters, I'm not insulting you but just
stating a fact. OTOH, when you and ~pj~ trot around the group calling
other posters "morons" and the like obviously neither of you are
actually stating any facts (since you're in no position to know those
facts), but just trying to insult. And in the process you're both
making yourself look quite stupid -- another statement of fact.
If you can't,
then I think you should go fuck yourself, and I mean
that in the
nicest way possible.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 17:53:14 UTC
Post by George Dance
Oh, so it's "obvious" to you that born-again Christians are all of low
IQ? I'm surprised you would think something as stupid. (Not ~pj~, of
course, since he makes a career out of being stupid.)
I made obvious my intended meaning for use of the word moron, i.e. one
who is oblivious to the obvious. I didn't say anything about low IQ,
or intend my comment be associated in that respect, thus my
specificity with regard to definition. I'd respectfully suggest that
your surprise should at your stupid thinking, not mine.
Post by George Dance
I understand what you're trying to express -- that, for instance, when
I call you and ~pj~ bullshitters, I'm not insulting you but just
stating a fact. OTOH, when you and ~pj~ trot around the group calling
other posters "morons" and the like obviously neither of you are
actually stating any facts (since you're in no position to know those
facts), but just trying to insult. And in the process you're both
making yourself look quite stupid -- another statement of fact.
I truly don't care what you call me; bullshitter, or whatever. I
promise you that whatever you call me, I call myself worse,
frequently. I'm generally harder on myself than anyone else can ever
be which makes me hard to insult sometimes. But if you truly believe
that I was or am trying to insult you, or was trying to insult Will
the other day by calling you morons, then I can't help but think
you're both a whole lot stupider than I ever thought you were before,
and it certainly doesn't give me any pleasure to have to tell you
that. Of course you don't have to believe me, and you can continue to
think that the word moron is always an insult, and that I have
willfully insulted you in order to make some obscure pointless point
about the word. Or, you can consider the alternative possibility.
You decide. I can only suggest smart choices, obviously.
George Dance
2011-02-16 03:30:48 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
Will asked Ted to post one. Apparently he had the impression that Ted
was the author.
Will Dockery
2011-02-16 20:22:55 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by =z=
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
Will asked Ted to post one. Apparently he had the impression that Ted
was the author.
At first, until I got to her site... Ted's correct, though, Janet is a
superb poetess.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 13:29:08 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by George Dance
Post by =z=
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
Will asked Ted to post one. Apparently he had the impression that Ted
was the author.
At first, until I got to her site... Ted's correct, though, Janet is a
superb poetess.
Perfunctorily presented plaudits prove pre-eminently pointless
pertaining particular poets planets.
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2011-02-16 18:23:31 UTC
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn’t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.


Your gay lover, Kansas ass-a-hole. LOL
Ted L
2011-02-16 23:46:23 UTC
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true. I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.

As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof. Adulterers, drunkards, fornicators, witches,
athiests, etc. are under similar condemnation but they are usually
under no delusion that their sin will be a problem in taking up
residence in their eternal home post judgement, i.e. when God judges
the world according to the standard set by his virgin-birthed only
begotten Son. Just thought you should be reinforced in what God has
already told your conscience, lest you pass in your own conceit when
repentance will be too late.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 00:15:44 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.
As a wrong headed, backward thinking, purveyor of silly nonsense who
apparently can't read with any significant amount of comprehension,
you're still welcome here. You should fit right in.
2011-02-17 02:38:53 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.
As a wrong headed, backward thinking, purveyor of silly nonsense who
apparently can't read with any significant amount of comprehension,
you're still welcome here.  You should fit right in.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
i still say that if janet wants her work to be displayed here she
should be doing it herself...i would be a bit pissed if someone were
posting my work in that way...i guess i understand ted wanting to post
for someone he feels is that good...but it seems to me it should come
with a 'reprinted by permission' statement...as for me, if i want it
posted, i'll do it myself.

Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 10:23:19 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.
As a wrong headed, backward thinking, purveyor of silly nonsense who
apparently can't read with any significant amount of comprehension,
you're still welcome here.  You should fit right in.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
i still say that if janet wants her work to be displayed here she
should be doing it herself...i would be a bit pissed if someone were
posting my work in that way...i guess i understand ted wanting to post
for someone he feels is that good...but it seems to me it should come
with a 'reprinted by permission' statement...as for me, if i want it
posted, i'll do  it myself.
How does that statement apply in context to the bated/baited piece you
posted to Peter?
Will Dockery
2011-02-17 17:10:56 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by =z=
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.
As a wrong headed, backward thinking, purveyor of silly nonsense who
apparently can't read with any significant amount of comprehension,
you're still welcome here.  You should fit right in.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
i still say that if janet wants her work to be displayed here she
should be doing it herself...i would be a bit pissed if someone were
posting my work in that way...i guess i understand ted wanting to post
for someone he feels is that good...but it seems to me it should come
with a 'reprinted by permission' statement...as for me, if i want it
posted, i'll do  it myself.
How does that statement apply in context to the bated/baited piece you
posted to Peter?
At least Ted credited Janet.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 18:42:27 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by =z=
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.
As a wrong headed, backward thinking, purveyor of silly nonsense who
apparently can't read with any significant amount of comprehension,
you're still welcome here.  You should fit right in.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
i still say that if janet wants her work to be displayed here she
should be doing it herself...i would be a bit pissed if someone were
posting my work in that way...i guess i understand ted wanting to post
for someone he feels is that good...but it seems to me it should come
with a 'reprinted by permission' statement...as for me, if i want it
posted, i'll do  it myself.
How does that statement apply in context to the bated/baited piece you
posted to Peter?
At least Ted credited Janet.
Yes, at least.
Ted L
2011-02-19 02:22:06 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.
As a wrong headed, backward thinking, purveyor of silly nonsense who
apparently can't read with any significant amount of comprehension,
you're still welcome here.  You should fit right in.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
i still say that if janet wants her work to be displayed here she
should be doing it herself...i would be a bit pissed if someone were
posting my work in that way...i guess i understand ted wanting to post
for someone he feels is that good...but it seems to me it should come
with a 'reprinted by permission' statement...as for me, if i want it
posted, i'll do  it myself.
=z=- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It's okay now I got her permission and a most gracious forgiveness
from Planet Janet. See link.

2011-02-17 06:52:09 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true. I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof. Adulterers, drunkards, fornicators, witches,
athiests, etc. are under similar condemnation but they are usually
under no delusion that their sin will be a problem in taking up
residence in their eternal home post judgement, i.e. when God judges
the world according to the standard set by his virgin-birthed only
begotten Son. Just thought you should be reinforced in what God has
already told your conscience, lest you pass in your own conceit when
repentance will be too late.
As an aside, why do you cherry pick Leviticus 18?

Further, when you're reading Romans 1, don't forget to read Romans 2.1 (the
chapter divisions are misleading). That big THEREFORE means the next words
pertain to the words that came before.

Lastly, why do you persist in pointing out sins? That's so old school. Are
you sure you're born again? Or just self-righteous? (Clue: old school -
sins; new: sin nature is dead and gone, baby. Rejoice!)
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 10:28:57 UTC
Post by Karla
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Looking at that stranger smiling
Folding inward like an old wallet
Scrounging for change
Finding a parking spot
The extent of the angelic cheering squad
They let me down like magic
And now I'll have to wash my hands
In pink furry suds of chemicals
Because I don't want to return something else
For less than five bucks
Poem by Janet
Posted Monday, February 14, 2011http://janetplanetstuff.blogspot.com
why doesn t she post them herself?...
i don't understand who you are to pick and choose.
I'm just working pro bono to try and give her some encouragement.
Plus I'm not a poet and I was curious to see if my suspicion about her
being talented in this area is true.  I figured a Usenet poetry site
would have some interested critics and hopefully not all too wicked in
speech as is common from Usenet users.
As an aside...regarding your sig, you should also realize that the
Bible condemns homosexuality as an abomination and that the abominable
will be cast into the lake of fire. See Leviticus 18:22 and Revelation
21:8 for proof.  Adulterers, drunkards, fornicators, witches,
athiests, etc. are under similar condemnation but they are usually
under no delusion that their sin will be a problem in taking up
residence in their eternal home post judgement, i.e. when God judges
the world according to the standard set by his virgin-birthed only
begotten Son.  Just thought you should be reinforced in what God has
already told your conscience, lest you pass in your own conceit when
repentance will be too late.
As an aside, why do you cherry pick Leviticus 18?
Further, when you're reading Romans 1, don't forget to read Romans 2.1 (the
chapter divisions are misleading).  That big THEREFORE means the next words
pertain to the words that came before.
Lastly, why do you persist in pointing out sins?  
Pointing out sins is an essential component of a poetry critique, and
why so many of us take our critiques so personally. Of course,
pointing out sins isn't all a good critique is supposed to do, but a
lot of us tend to focus on our harshest criticisms and most vehement
Ted L
2011-02-17 23:52:26 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Karla
Lastly, why do you persist in pointing out sins?  
Pointing out sins is an essential component of a poetry critique, and
why so many of us take our critiques so personally.  Of course,
pointing out sins isn't all a good critique is supposed to do, but a
lot of us tend to focus on our harshest criticisms and most vehement
I agree that we don't have to only point out the abomination of sodomy
to sodomites to convince sinners of their sin. For example, informing
you that telling a lie in a verse of poetry is a violation of God's
law, and that James 2:10 tells us that he who keeps the whole law but
offends in one point is guilty of all, shines light in Jesus' name on
your own sinful condtion. "For all have sinned" says God's word the
Bible (Romans 3:23), and "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
God is holy and cannot look upon iniquity (Psalm 5:4), so those who
die without faith in Christ are indeed lost (c.f. Acts 26:18).

Also God's poetry is beyond reproach, btw. Try the book of Job,
Proverbs, Psalms, and/or Ecclesiastes sometime. Don't bother taking
the cap on the red pen if you have a translation from the Received
text, such as the King James, Wycliffe, Tyndale, or Geneva

Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-18 00:08:23 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Karla
Lastly, why do you persist in pointing out sins?  
Pointing out sins is an essential component of a poetry critique, and
why so many of us take our critiques so personally.  Of course,
pointing out sins isn't all a good critique is supposed to do, but a
lot of us tend to focus on our harshest criticisms and most vehement
I agree that we don't have to only point out the abomination of sodomy
to sodomites to convince sinners of their sin.  For example, informing
you that telling a lie in a verse of poetry is a violation of God's
law, and that James 2:10 tells us that he who keeps the whole law but
offends in one point is guilty of all, shines light in Jesus' name on
your own sinful condtion.  "For all have sinned" says God's word the
Bible (Romans 3:23), and "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).
God is holy and cannot look upon iniquity (Psalm 5:4), so those who
die without faith in Christ are indeed lost (c.f. Acts 26:18).
On buggery

On buggery, from Bogomil (that's its word origin),
though it is not my practice, I know it's not a sin.
The Bogomils were put upon by members of the Church, see.
I'd rather not be poked back there because you think it hurts me.
If anything this text relates has caused you pain, I'm sorry,
but do you know how Bogomil relates to the Cathari?
Post by Ted L
Also God's poetry is beyond reproach, btw.
I know; mine too! Small world, huh?
Ted L
2011-02-17 23:33:40 UTC
On Feb 17, 12:52 am, Karla <***@NEVERcomcast.net> wrote:
Post by Karla
As an aside, why do you cherry pick Leviticus 18?
Hi Karla. The passage referenced directly related to Colonel Burke's
abominable signature. I could have referenced 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
just as well.
Post by Karla
Further, when you're reading Romans 1, don't forget to read Romans 2.1 (the
chapter divisions are misleading).  That big THEREFORE means the next words
pertain to the words that came before.
First of all, I'm not judging anybody. I'm holding up God's standard
against sinful behaviour and warning a sinner that there is a coming
judgement against wickedness. Secondly, Romans 2:1 speaks to unsaved
sinners who think themselves more righteous than other sinners. I
know of my own condition I have no righteousness. None. God looks at
me as though I have the righteousness of Christ because that's what
faith in Jesus does. My lifestyle however is no longer marked by such
as is described in Romans 1:29-32. It didn't disappear overnight but
being crucified in the spirit with Christ can be a slow death.
Post by Karla
Lastly, why do you persist in pointing out sins?  That's so old school. Are
you sure you're born again?  Or just self-righteous?  (Clue: old school -
sins; new: sin nature is dead and gone, baby.  Rejoice!)- Hide quoted text -
We cannot be saved until we see our sinful condition, recognize that
it has incurred God's wrath, and that either Jesus's suffering for the
sins of the world has paid your sin debt or you abide under God's
wrath. Galatians 3:24.

Don't believe for a minute that being born again separates you from
your sin nature in Adam, because until we put off the corruption of
the flesh we will have the sin nature. The Christian was saved from
the penalty for sin and spends the rest of his or her life warring
against the power of sin. Galatians 5:17.

Being saved by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
is NOT a license to sin. Remember the Lord chasteneth whom he
loveth. See the prophetic promise in Psalm 89:29-32 for those of us
who are children of God in Christ.

Also Romans 6:
[1] What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may
[2] God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer

Yes. I'm sure I've been born again. I could only prove it by my
works, but that isn't even a requirement to be saved. God saved me
despite my being totally unworthy to receive what Jesus deserved by
Jesus receiving on the cross what I deserve.

Love Ted
2011-02-17 16:30:22 UTC
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 16:32:17 UTC
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Sure; haven't you been paying attention?
2011-02-17 18:15:01 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Sure; haven't you been paying attention?
"Attention?" I pay taxes, and I'm not even in the Army.
George Dance
2011-02-17 17:14:25 UTC
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
I don't really want to criticize it, because the author didn't post it
here for criticism.

FWIW, though, I'd say it's of a type I call "diary poetry" -- that's a
term I made up, BTW, but to let you know what I mean by it, I'd call
Bukowski a paradigm diary poet (or poet diarist) -- and it's a genre I
don't normally care to read.
Will Dockery
2011-02-17 17:33:48 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
I don't really want to criticize it, because the author didn't post it
here for criticism.
FWIW, though, I'd say it's of a type I call "diary poetry" -- that's a
term I made up, BTW, but to let you know what I mean by it, I'd call
Bukowski a paradigm diary poet (or poet diarist) -- and it's a genre I
don't normally care to read.
Isn't it close to "Confessional poetry", also?


Confessional poetry emphasizes the intimate, and sometimes
unflattering, information about details of the poet's personal life,
such as in poems about mental illness, sexuality, and despondence. The
confessionalist label was applied to a number of poets of the 1950s
and 1960s. John Berryman, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath,
Theodore Roethke, Anne Sexton, and William De Witt Snodgrass have all
been called 'Confessional Poets'.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
2011-02-17 18:22:20 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by George Dance
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
I don't really want to criticize it, because the author didn't post it
here for criticism.
FWIW, though, I'd say it's of a type I call "diary poetry" -- that's a
term I made up, BTW, but to let you know what I mean by it, I'd call
Bukowski a paradigm diary poet (or poet diarist) -- and it's a genre I
don't normally care to read.
Isn't it close to "Confessional poetry", also?
Confessional poetry emphasizes the intimate, and sometimes
unflattering, information about details of the poet's personal life,
such as in poems about mental illness, sexuality, and despondence. The
confessionalist label was applied to a number of poets of the 1950s
and 1960s. John Berryman, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath,
Theodore Roethke, Anne Sexton, and William De Witt Snodgrass have all
been called 'Confessional Poets'.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
Ah myself,
just for me,
in my view of things,
in my world,
as it is run by me
at my discretion,
and in my opinion of things,
as I see them,
I also wonder about how other people can be so infatuated with their
own musings,
when mine are so freely available.
George Dance
2011-02-17 19:43:39 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by George Dance
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
I don't really want to criticize it, because the author didn't post it
here for criticism.
FWIW, though, I'd say it's of a type I call "diary poetry" -- that's a
term I made up, BTW, but to let you know what I mean by it, I'd call
Bukowski a paradigm diary poet (or poet diarist) -- and it's a genre I
don't normally care to read.
Isn't it close to "Confessional poetry", also?
Confessional poetry emphasizes the intimate, and sometimes
unflattering, information about details of the poet's personal life,
such as in poems about mental illness, sexuality, and despondence. The
confessionalist label was applied to a number of poets of the 1950s
and 1960s. John Berryman, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath,
Theodore Roethke, Anne Sexton, and William De Witt Snodgrass have all
been called 'Confessional Poets'.
No, that's not it; my fault, of course, for springing my own term on
you. Sylvia Plath and Philip Larkin wrote confessional poetry, but
that's in no way 'diary poetry.'

What I meant by 'diary poetry' is fairly close to what's been called
'chopped-up prose' -- straightforward prosy lines, with no obvious
poetical embellishments at all -- no imagery or sonics, no meter, no
nothing. The only obvious poetic device used is the line (usually not
where one would expect it), and there's usually an ironic or offbeat
look at the world; but otherwise it could have been lifted from the
pages of someone's dieary.

As I've said, I'd consider Bukowski a prime exemplar; here's an
example of his, from his poem "junk":

it is one-thirty in the afternoon
and outside small plants grow,
their children are still in school.
the females smoke cigarettes
and suck listlessly on beer
and tequila
which I have purchased.

Another example of diary poetry, at least back when he was trying to
write poetry, is our own ~ggary ggamble~. Here's an example fro an old
one of his called "Flash-up":

She brings me iced Pernod in a metal cup,
a sack of salted peanuts to crack and fling
shells into the growing ash field
as we plan the borders, raised beds
and transplanted tree sites for next year’s
stab at what the estate agent describes
as a park-like setting.

Ironically, the latter used to go around advising other writers to
"learn the difference between a poem and a diary entry" -- yet there's
no indication that he ever learned that himself.
Post by Will Dockery
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
2011-02-17 20:16:07 UTC
I get diary poetry as part of a spectrum that (so far) ends with
confessional poetry. IMO it's a distinction worth making, even if the
poetry is not much worth reading.

Not that I know a lot about poetry, but my take is that the good stuff
relates to more than one's personal vision. Haiku or tanka or close
approximations are relatively easy to handle, like:

a red leaf falling,
into the river,
clings to a green rock


("Haiku Harvest" copyright the Peter Pauper Press, 1962)

In art it's maybe easier to see things like the difference between
Monet, or Cezanne, and what is to my mind ridiculous stuff thrown on
canvas and called "expressionist." I'm not opinionated, I just haven't
caught on to careful wording. In the above poem by whoever Joso was or
is, there's nothing I see that draws attention to himself or his
personal opinions, but it certainly paints a picture, and to some may
evoke feelings.
Ted L
2011-02-19 02:23:14 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
I don't really want to criticize it, because the author didn't post it
here for criticism.
She said it's okay. See link.

Will Dockery
2011-02-19 08:19:12 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
I don't really want to criticize it, because the author didn't post it
here for criticism.
She said it's okay.  See link.
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?

Silver Pictures said...

Dear Planet Janet Stuff

Mostly because I'm not a poet, I'm not really a fan of your work. But
I still think others should be. So I posted "Squint" as a sample of
your work on the Usenet


On the bright side your blog got another follower out of it anyway.

Will Dockery.

On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.

Just tryin' to help.

But Scripture does not say in vain not to be a busy body in other
men's matters.(1 Peter 4:15)

What a terrible mess I've made of things.

Indeed... heh.

Music, poetry & video of Will Dockery & Friends:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 10:35:43 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.
It's not a misrepresentation, Will. He didn't say anything bad or
unwarranted about you. It's an opinion, and a cautionary of you made
by someone you don't really know. It's just good advice. Don't be so
suspicious. Look at it this way: Elvis was considered the most
spiritually dangerous man of his era. You decide how you see things.
See things better and people will see you better.
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 11:15:31 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
"...On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics..."
It's not a misrepresentation, Will.  He didn't say anything bad or
unwarranted about you.  It's an opinion, and a cautionary of you made
by someone you don't really know.  It's just good advice.  Don't be so
suspicious.  Look at it this way:  Elvis was considered the most
spiritually dangerous man of his era.
Okay, that sounds reasonable...

Some homegrown psychedelia from me & the Shadowville All-Stars...

Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 11:26:12 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
"...On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics..."
It's not a misrepresentation, Will.  He didn't say anything bad or
unwarranted about you.  It's an opinion, and a cautionary of you made
by someone you don't really know.  It's just good advice.  Don't be so
suspicious.  Look at it this way:  Elvis was considered the most
spiritually dangerous man of his era.
Okay, that sounds reasonable...
Actually, you think it sounds flattering so you say it sounds
reasonable. If I had said Hitler, you'd have said I was insulting you
because you are a moron, Will.
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 11:32:13 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
"...On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics..."
It's not a misrepresentation, Will.  He didn't say anything bad or
unwarranted about you.  It's an opinion, and a cautionary of you made
by someone you don't really know.  It's just good advice.  Don't be so
suspicious.  Look at it this way:  Elvis was considered the most
spiritually dangerous man of his era.
Okay, that sounds reasonable...
Actually, you think

Sorry pal, your mind reading skills are vastly over-rated. Stick to
telling what *you* think, not second guessing me.

Some homegrown psychedelia from me & the Shadowville All-Stars...
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 12:30:21 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
"...On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics..."
It's not a misrepresentation, Will.  He didn't say anything bad or
unwarranted about you.  It's an opinion, and a cautionary of you made
by someone you don't really know.  It's just good advice.  Don't be so
suspicious.  Look at it this way:  Elvis was considered the most
spiritually dangerous man of his era.
Okay, that sounds reasonable...
Actually, you think
Sorry pal, your mind reading skills are vastly over-rated. Stick to
telling what *you* think, not second guessing me.
I'm not your pal, Will. You've made that painfully obvious. You wit
and writing stung me, remember? Only a true pal would second guess
you because only a true pal has your best interests at heart, right?
Only a true pal would ever second guess your approach and dare tell
you, dude, stop doing that, your attitude is fucking you up and
getting you nowhere, right? Only a true pal would look out for you
like that. I'm not your true pal. I would never do that.

I'll do exactly as you ask because that's all you'll pay attention to,
and stick to telling you exactly what I think. I think you're a real
moron. You probably feel really insulted now, don't you? Nevermind.
Don't bother answering. It's a trick question anyway.
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 15:10:02 UTC
You just don't like being judged
I bet old Ted has a Bible verse for that.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 15:27:46 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
You just don't like being judged
I bet old Ted has a Bible verse for that.
The "Judge not" bible verse advises that we criticise each other in
the same light as we would be criticised. That's the type of
cooperation this group is supposed to be about. You don't do that.
You're afraid to write any poetic criticisms here, because you hate
and are afraid of being criticised. You feel misrepresented, and
insulted, and maligned, and you can't see yourself as responsible for
your own feelings. That's being oblivious to the obvious, which makes
you a moron.
2011-02-19 15:42:27 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
You just don't like being judged
I bet old Ted has a Bible verse for that.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
!...hey, good morning doc, good morning corey!...how is your weekend
going so far?...how's the weather in Georgia and Maryland?...here in
oregon, as usual, nice and rainy...'i'm only happy when it
rains'...i'm not too sure about this ted dude or janet from another
planet...but i suppose time will tell...

there once was a dude named ted
who's retort was so much bible fed
from janet the planet
to whishes he'd can it
his janet is his hand
while in bed

George Dance
2011-02-19 15:49:27 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Will Dockery
You just don't like being judged
I bet old Ted has a Bible verse for that.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
!...hey, good morning doc, good morning corey!...how is your weekend
going so far?...how's the weather in Georgia and Maryland?...here in
oregon, as usual, nice and rainy...'i'm only happy when it
rains'...i'm not too sure about this ted dude or janet from another
planet...but i suppose time will tell...
there once was a dude named ted
who's retort was so much bible fed
from janet the planet
to whishes he'd can it
his janet is his hand
while in bed
You inspired me. I'm not going to give the tune, because I'm hoping
you'll pick it up; and I'm only going as far as verse 1 - if you,
matt, or anyone else want to write other verses, that would be great.

Ted's Song

My God created the planet (Janet)
In Eden was where he began it (Janet)
He built Adam and Eve - they ran it (Janet)
Dammit, Janet,
God loves you!
2011-02-19 15:56:02 UTC
Post by George Dance
Post by =z=
Post by Will Dockery
You just don't like being judged
I bet old Ted has a Bible verse for that.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
!...hey, good morning doc, good morning corey!...how is your weekend
going so far?...how's the weather in Georgia and Maryland?...here in
oregon, as usual, nice and rainy...'i'm only happy when it
rains'...i'm not too sure about this ted dude or janet from another
planet...but i suppose time will tell...
there once was a dude named ted
who's retort was so much bible fed
from janet the planet
to whishes he'd can it
his janet is his hand
while in bed
You inspired me. I'm not going to give the tune, because I'm hoping
you'll pick it up; and I'm only going as far as verse 1 - if you,
matt, or anyone else want to write other verses, that would be great.
Ted's Song
My God created the planet (Janet)
In Eden was where he began it (Janet)
He built Adam and Eve - they ran it (Janet)
Dammit, Janet,
God loves you!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
i'm just god's transvestite
(janet's transvestite)
from teds transsexual
ha ha!

(my bad)...

Will Dockery
2011-02-19 16:07:15 UTC
Post by =z=
Post by Will Dockery
You just don't like being judged
I bet old Ted has a Bible verse for that.
Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:http://www.youtube.com/user/WDockery
!...hey, good morning doc, good morning corey!...how is your weekend
going so far?...how's the weather in Georgia and Maryland?
Springtime is upon us down here, =z=!
Post by =z=
...here in
oregon, as usual, nice and rainy...'i'm only happy when it
rains'...i'm not too sure about this ted dude or janet from another
planet...but i suppose time will tell...
I dunno either, Janet writes some good poetry, but Ted's a bit boring
with all the Bible stuff.
Post by =z=
there once was a dude named ted
who's retort was so much bible fed
from janet the planet
to whishes he'd can it
his janet is his hand
while in bed
Yeah, kinda wonder about that... heh.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 12:56:41 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
I observed no misrepresentation
That's fine.

The statement was about me, though, and I found it to be a
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Ted L
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
Silver Pictures said...
Dear Planet Janet Stuff
Mostly because I'm not a poet, I'm not really a fan of your work. But
I still think others should be. So I posted "Squint" as a sample of
your work on the Usenet
On the bright side your blog got another follower out of it anyway.
Will Dockery.
On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.
Just tryin' to help.
But Scripture does not say in vain not to be a busy body in other
men's matters.(1 Peter 4:15)
What a terrible mess I've made of things.
Indeed... heh.
Some homegrown psychedelia from me & the Shadowville All-Stars...
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 14:27:46 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
It's not a misrepresentation
That's not for you to decide, Corey. I'm the one being misrepresented,
not you, so it really isn't any of your concern either way.
I know. I see what you found. I don't see what you see.
That's fine, but it doesn't matter what you see in this situation. Ted
misrepresented me, not you, so it isn't your problem either way.

Post by Hieronymous Corey
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?

Silver Pictures said...

Dear Planet Janet Stuff

Mostly because I'm not a poet, I'm not really a fan of your work. But
I still think others should be. So I posted "Squint" as a sample of
your work on the Usenet


On the bright side your blog got another follower out of it anyway.

Will Dockery.

On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.

Just tryin' to help.

But Scripture does not say in vain not to be a busy body in other
men's matters.(1 Peter 4:15)

What a terrible mess I've made of things.

Indeed... heh.

Music, poetry & video of Will Dockery & Friends:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 14:37:23 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Hieronymous Corey
It's not a misrepresentation
That's not for you to decide, Corey. I'm the one being misrepresented,
not you, so it really isn't any of your concern either way.
I know.  I see what you found.  I don't see what you see.
That's fine, but it doesn't matter what you see in this situation. Ted
misrepresented me, not you, so it isn't your problem either way.
Exactly. You're the one who decided that you were misrepresented
rather than misperceived, and you're the one who decided to make a
problem out of it, and everybody can see exactly how you go about
attempting to solve the problems that you create for yourself, and
that's why you are where you are. Simple.
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 14:52:14 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
You're the one who decided that you were misrepresented
Silver Pictures said...

Dear Planet Janet Stuff

Mostly because I'm not a poet, I'm not really a fan of your work. But
I still think others should be. So I posted "Squint" as a sample of
your work on the Usenet


On the bright side your blog got another follower out of it anyway.

Will Dockery.

On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.

Just tryin' to help.

But Scripture does not say in vain not to be a busy body in other
men's matters.(1 Peter 4:15)

What a terrible mess I've made of things.

Indeed... heh.

Music, poetry & video of Will Dockery & Friends:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 15:01:09 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
You're the one who decided that you were misrepresented
You feel, but you don't think, or rationally consider. You just don't
like being judged unless you perceive it favorably. You won't accept
competent criticism that doesn't portray you in a flattering light.
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 15:39:17 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
You feel misrepresented
No, I /was/ misrepresented:

Post by Hieronymous Corey
Silver Pictures said...

Dear Planet Janet Stuff

Mostly because I'm not a poet, I'm not really a fan of your work. But
I still think others should be. So I posted "Squint" as a sample of
your work on the Usenet


On the bright side your blog got another follower out of it anyway.

Will Dockery.

On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.

Just tryin' to help.

But Scripture does not say in vain not to be a busy body in other
men's matters.(1 Peter 4:15)

What a terrible mess I've made of things.

Indeed... heh.

Music, poetry & video of Will Dockery & Friends:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-19 16:22:40 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
You feel misrepresented
Before you said you "feel". Now you feel certain enough to assert
what /was/. Of course you were only misrepresented in the horrible
little misrepresented world you live in. Luckily for you, you weren't
misrepresented anywhere else. So basically all you have to do in
order to stop being misrepresented is to stop seeing yourself as
misrepresented. Can you imagine what kind of world that would be like?
Will Dockery
2011-02-19 16:31:44 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Of course you were only misrepresented
On Janet Planet's blog, true:

Post by Hieronymous Corey
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?

Silver Pictures said...

Dear Planet Janet Stuff

Mostly because I'm not a poet, I'm not really a fan of your work. But
I still think others should be. So I posted "Squint" as a sample of
your work on the Usenet


On the bright side your blog got another follower out of it anyway.

Will Dockery.

On the dark side I think he's a spiritually dangerous man though, so
be careful to consider the motives of your critics.

Just tryin' to help.

But Scripture does not say in vain not to be a busy body in other
men's matters.(1 Peter 4:15)

What a terrible mess I've made of things.

Indeed... heh.

Music, poetry & video of Will Dockery & Friends:
Ted L
2011-02-20 18:41:53 UTC
On Feb 19, 2:19 am, Will Dockery <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?

First the bad news. You are a sinner.

Exhibit 1: http://tinyurl.com/4gc6axk

Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight" http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D9uGY157cpiU

Based on this and similar evidence, I gave an opinion informed by the
Bible and God's Holy Spirit that you are spiritually dangerous to
someone like Planet Janet. I perceive your talents and motivations
are both inspired by and used for the powers of darkness. I've seen
your use of the mark of the devil in a previous Usenet nick, "Roller
666". I've witnessed you mishandling scripture in song. (John
2:3-10) My warning to Janet (who is obviously unsaved) is to protect
her from being seduced and provoked further into darkness by the
flattering tongue of a wicked man fan. (2 Timothy 3:6)

I don't doubt that you may be ignorant of the hold that the devil, in
league with your own heart, has on you. You don't have God's Holy
Spirit dwelling in you unless you've been born again, so in darkness
there are truths you cannot know. If you've ever seen Christians
witnessing to Rock concert goers, specifically the types of bands that
give every signal that they are Christ-haters through their lyrics and
art (e.g. upside down crosses, use of the number of the beast, etc.),
none of the fans really believe that the devil has any hold on them or
causes the appeal of the music. That's because the devil is able to
blind their unbelieving minds to the obvious. Rock music and
lifestyle is indeed of the devil, and it has a highly seductive appeal
because Satan was created with a gift for creating music. (Ezekiel
28:13) This is as true now as when the apostle Paul, inspired by the
Holy Spirit, wrote 2 Corinthians 4:4. Or what Jesus said in John
12:40, or Isaiah 6:9-10

Now the good news:

Despite all of the wicked works that plagues your coming judgement,
you are presently blessed with a God of second chances.

See how Ahab through his heart wrenching repentance delayed the wrath
against his house. (1 Kings 21)

Read of his promise to deliver the repentant from having to go to
hell. (Book of Job 33:27-28)

God's whole-hearted desire to forgive: Psalm 86:5

But God's wrath abides on the unrepentant and unbelieving (John 3:36),
and everlasting destruction awaits those chained in darkness. (Ps
5:4-6, 2 Peter 2:4,9)

Don't wait until you think you've cleaned yourself up well enough to
come to the cross of Jesus. Many times people think they have to
conquer some major sin in their lives before coming to Jesus for
forgiveness. This is a lie of the devil. You come to God as you
are. He's called sinners and not the righteous to repent. Because as
the Bible says, there's none righteous, no, not one. (Romans 3:10)

Matthew 11:
[28] Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.
[29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly
in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
[30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


I hope this answered your question.

With the love of Christ,
Will Dockery
2011-02-20 18:58:39 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
First the bad news.  You are a sinner.
Exhibit 1:http://tinyurl.com/4gc6axk
Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight"http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D9...
Hold up, what is it about "She Sleeps Tight" that gives you the heebie-
jeebies, Ted?
Based on this and similar evidence, I gave an opinion informed by the
Bible and God's Holy Spirit that you are spiritually dangerous to
someone like Planet Janet.   I perceive your talents and motivations
are both inspired by and used for the powers of darkness.  I've seen
your use of the mark of the devil in a previous Usenet nick, "Roller
666".  I've witnessed you mishandling scripture in song. (John
2:3-10)   My warning to Janet (who is obviously unsaved) is to protect
her from being seduced and provoked further into darkness by the
flattering tongue of a wicked man fan. (2 Timothy 3:6)
I don't doubt that you may be ignorant of the hold that the devil, in
league with your own heart, has on you.  You don't have God's Holy
Spirit dwelling in you unless you've been born again, so in darkness
there are truths you cannot know.   If you've ever seen Christians
witnessing to Rock concert goers, specifically the types of bands that
give every signal that they are Christ-haters through their lyrics and
art (e.g. upside down crosses, use of the number of the beast, etc.),
none of the fans really believe that the devil has any hold on them or
causes the appeal of the music.  That's because the devil is able to
blind their unbelieving minds to the obvious.  Rock music and
lifestyle is indeed of the devil, and it has a highly seductive appeal
because Satan was created with a gift for creating music. (Ezekiel
28:13)  This is as true now as when the apostle Paul, inspired by the
Holy Spirit, wrote 2 Corinthians 4:4.  Or what Jesus said in John
12:40, or Isaiah 6:9-10
Despite all of the wicked works that plagues your coming judgement,
you are presently blessed with a God of second chances.
See how Ahab through his heart wrenching repentance delayed the wrath
against his house.  (1 Kings 21)
Read of his promise to deliver the repentant from having to go to
hell. (Book of Job 33:27-28)
God's whole-hearted desire to forgive: Psalm 86:5
But God's wrath abides on the unrepentant and unbelieving (John 3:36),
and everlasting destruction awaits those chained in darkness. (Ps
5:4-6, 2 Peter 2:4,9)
Don't wait until you think you've cleaned yourself up well enough to
come to the cross of Jesus.  Many times people think they have to
conquer some major sin in their lives before coming to Jesus for
forgiveness.  This is a lie of the devil.  You come to God as you
are.  He's called sinners and not the righteous to repent.  Because as
the Bible says, there's none righteous, no, not one. (Romans 3:10)
[28] Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.
[29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly
in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
[30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
I hope this answered your question.
With the love of Christ,
Thanks for explaining, Ted... I sincerely appreciate your concern.

Will Dockery & Friends, music & poetry:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-20 19:04:20 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight"http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D9...
Hold up, what is it about "She Sleeps Tight" that gives you the heebie-
jeebies, Ted?
Ted's concern is obviously not with the "heebie-jeebies", Will. He's
a lot smarter than you give him credit for. I'd take his criticism
seriously if I were you.
Will Dockery
2011-02-20 19:33:49 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight"
Post by Will Dockery
Hold up, what is it about "She Sleeps Tight" that gives you the heebie-
jeebies, Ted?
Ted's concern is obviously not with the "heebie-jeebies", Will.  He's
a lot smarter than you give him credit for.  I'd take his criticism
seriously if I were you.
I sure will, as soon as Ted explains to me what is it about "She
Sleeps Tight" that gives him the heebie-jeebies, I mean the song's
just a simple love story, for crying out loud:


She Sleeps Tight

Sleeps so tight
she has a marksman's eye.
Maker's mark
tattoo firewater spine.
Leather shoes
but nowhere to go.

Dice and coins
scattered in the snow.
Dice and coins
scattered in the snow.

Won't be long,
until I see her face.
She's waiting
in an undisclosed place.
I've been conspired
banned from my muse.

This won't stick
poor boy's all confused.
This won't stick
poor boy's all confused.

In Salem town
she keeps her chin so high.
Darkened breeze
she smiles as I roll by.
Step inside
she looks for tables left.

Wink at time
nothing lasts except yourself.
Wink at time
nothing lasts except yourself.

Like a Steamboat
she plans to roll on down.
To the Gulf
out of this dirty town.
Copper mesh
kept stuffed in a jar.

Sharp cold hit
turning wine to water.
Sharp cold hit
turning wine to water.

We know him
eye deed by his ship.
In a trap
a kind of goosechase trip.
Whiskey fumes
and stale gunsmoke.

Sunk and drowned
with all her knives and jokes.
Sunk and drowned
with all her knives and jokes.

Sleeps so tight
she has a marksman's eye.
Maker's mark
tattoo firewater spine.
Leather shoes
but nowhere to go.

-Will Dockery
Ted L
2011-02-20 20:07:58 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight"
Post by Will Dockery
Hold up, what is it about "She Sleeps Tight" that gives you the heebie-
jeebies, Ted?
Ted's concern is obviously not with the "heebie-jeebies", Will.  He's
a lot smarter than you give him credit for.  I'd take his criticism
seriously if I were you.
I sure will, as soon as Ted explains to me what is it about "She
Sleeps Tight" that gives him the heebie-jeebies, I mean the song's
A simple love story? Matthew 5:28 says whosever looks upon a woman to
lust after her has commited adultrey with her in his heart. Does your
simple love story require first time marriage before engaging in
carnal knowledge? I thought not.
Post by Will Dockery
nothing lasts except yourself.
This is a lie. Unsaved sinners are headed for everlasting
destruction, and that counts for your intended audience. Only those
who come to Jesus for salvation from their sins have eternal life.
(c.f. Matthew 25:46) Those who are or will be saved will last because
God alone is everlasting and the born again Christian is in the body
of Christ.
Post by Will Dockery
Sharp cold hit
turning wine to water.
Clearly a mocking of Jesus' first miracle.

There's also your reference to "Salem town". While you may be
referencing an actual city in America, Salem is the spiritual and
physical location of Zion and Jerusalem. It's little wonder why
someone who perverts truth, mocks the works of Jesus, would conjure up
images of the sin of adultery and fornications in the holy city of

You may be totally ignorant of the spirit that works in you to create
such Christ-dishonoring works, as I've said previously. But ignorance
is not an acceptable excuse in the day of judgement. See Romans
2:11-16 for example.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-20 22:12:54 UTC
A simple love story?  Matthew 5:28 says whosever looks upon a woman to
lust after her has commited adultrey with her in his heart.  Does your
simple love story require first time marriage before engaging in
carnal knowledge?  I thought not.
You're obviously confused, or lying, or both. I'm pretty sure it's
both, and I think you personally are a fairly despicible human being.
I think that based on your cult encouraging commentary, but if you
think you can teach Will to pay closer attention to what he's doing,
and stop him from being the total asshole he is, then you're certainly
welcome here, and won't hear any objections from me about your little
God fetish.
Ted L
2011-02-20 22:24:01 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
A simple love story?  Matthew 5:28 says whosever looks upon a woman to
lust after her has commited adultrey with her in his heart.  Does your
simple love story require first time marriage before engaging in
carnal knowledge?  I thought not.
You're obviously confused, or lying, or both.
I've given the citations to the truth to support my statements. If
you don't have your own copy of God's word, here's a link to an online
King James translation you might want to use to perjure or confirm my
testimony. <http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kjv/browse.html>
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-20 22:28:14 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
A simple love story?  Matthew 5:28 says whosever looks upon a woman to
lust after her has commited adultrey with her in his heart.  Does your
simple love story require first time marriage before engaging in
carnal knowledge?  I thought not.
You're obviously confused, or lying, or both.
I've given the citations to the truth to support my statements.  
I'm not concerned with your statements. Your questions are what
suggest confusion and deceit.
Ted L
2011-02-20 23:30:55 UTC
I'm not concerned with your statements.  Your questions are what
suggest confusion and deceit.
Your discomfiture is called "conviction" and it comes from the Holy
Spirit upon hearing the word of God. It's not unusual that you should
respond with accusations against the lowly messenger servant of God
who posted it, but such a response does nothing about your sin
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-21 00:11:03 UTC
Post by Ted L
I'm not concerned with your statements.  Your questions are what
suggest confusion and deceit.
Your discomfiture is called "conviction" and it comes from the Holy
Spirit upon hearing the word of God.  It's not unusual that you should
respond with accusations against the lowly messenger servant of God
who posted it, but such a response does nothing about your sin
Read again, and again if necessary. I didn't make any accusations.
Must be somebody else.
Will Dockery
2011-02-25 17:09:14 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
No, I intend to. Been a bit busy down this way, and Ted seems to have
left us already. I do see he left one comment of the actual "She
Sleeps Tight" video page, though, which I suppose sums up his
Ted isn't posting here presently, and he never articulated any
complaint of you. Ted has not "left us"
How do you know, have you heard from him?

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:

Will Dockery
2011-02-22 03:12:19 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight"
Post by Will Dockery
Hold up, what is it about "She Sleeps Tight" that gives you the heebie-
jeebies, Ted?
Ted's concern is obviously not with the "heebie-jeebies", Will.  He's
a lot smarter than you give him credit for.  I'd take his criticism
seriously if I were you.
I sure will, as soon as Ted explains to me what is it about "She
Sleeps Tight" that gives him the heebie-jeebies, I mean the song's
A simple love story?  Matthew 5:28 says whosever looks upon a woman to
lust after her has commited adultrey with her in his heart.  Does your
simple love story require first time marriage before engaging in
carnal knowledge?  I thought not.
Post by Will Dockery
nothing lasts except yourself.
This is a lie.  Unsaved sinners are headed for everlasting
destruction, and that counts for your intended audience.  Only those
who come to Jesus for salvation from their sins have eternal life.
(c.f. Matthew 25:46)  Those who are or will be saved will last because
God alone is everlasting and the born again Christian is in the body
of Christ.
Post by Will Dockery
Sharp cold hit
turning wine to water.
Clearly a mocking of Jesus' first miracle.
There's also your reference to "Salem town".  While you may be
referencing an actual city in America, Salem is the spiritual and
physical location of Zion and Jerusalem.  It's little wonder why
someone who perverts truth, mocks the works of Jesus, would conjure up
images of the sin of adultery and fornications in the holy city of
You may be totally ignorant of the spirit that works in you to create
such Christ-dishonoring works, as I've said previously.  But ignorance
is not an acceptable excuse in the day of judgement.  See Romans
2:11-16 for example.
Jeeze, Ted, that's really some muddled Bible interpretation... I'll
have to get back to this more on my return and I have more time.

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-25 08:56:18 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Jeeze, Ted, that's really some muddled Bible interpretation... I'll
have to get back to this more on my return and I have more time.
That hasn't happened yet, obviously, and will obviously never happen,
because you never have had more time, and never will have more time.
There's only so much time, Will.
Will Dockery
2011-02-25 16:55:12 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Jeeze, Ted, that's really some muddled Bible interpretation... I'll
have to get back to this more on my return and I have more time.
That hasn't happened yet, obviously, and will obviously never happen,
because you never have had more time, and never will have more time.
There's only so much time, Will.
No, I intend to. Been a bit busy down this way, and Ted seems to have
left us already. I do see he left one comment of the actual "She
Sleeps Tight" video page, though, which I suppose sums up his
complaints pretty much:


"Your reference of "wine to water" betrays you and the spirit that's
in you. Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish. Except ye
repent, ye shall all likewise perish." -Luke 13:3 and Luke 13:5
Occupy4now 1 week ago

Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-25 17:04:10 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
No, I intend to. Been a bit busy down this way, and Ted seems to have
left us already. I do see he left one comment of the actual "She
Sleeps Tight" video page, though, which I suppose sums up his
Ted isn't posting here presently, and he never articulated any
complaint of you. Ted has not "left us", moron, but you want to "use"
the opportunity to STEAL the impression from people that anything he
posted here was intended to promote your work. You're a liar, and a
thief of intellectual property. You should probably be brought up on
criminal charges, but you're simply too stupid to know any better than
what you're doing, and pose no threat more significant to anyone that
that afforded by watching someone vomit, which frequently triggers the
gag reflex in those who happen to witness the event. Puke on, Will!
Ted L
2011-02-20 19:36:31 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Exhibit 2: "She Sleeps Tight"http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D9...
Hold up, what is it about "She Sleeps Tight" that gives you the heebie-
jeebies, Ted?
Ted's concern is obviously not with the "heebie-jeebies", Will.  He's
a lot smarter than you give him credit for.  I'd take his criticism
seriously if I were you.
Thanks for the compliment but with diligence to the text, intellect
has absolutely nothing to do with spiritual discernment. God
specifically makes our in-born intellect a stumblingblock and non-
participant to salvation. For example, children with Down's syndrome
and other forms of retarded intellect have no problems comprehending
and either accepting or rejecting obedience to the gospel of Jesus
Christ. There's nothing good in you that stirs God's heart, nor is
there anything you can bring to the cross in exchange for eternal
life. God purposely designed the formula of salvation as coming from
what the unsaved world thinks is the "foolishness of preaching the
faith that comes by hearing the word of God." Why did he do this?
"that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his
gracy by his kindness through Christ. For ye are saved by grace
through faith, and that NOT of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not by
works, lest any man should boast." Grace is God's unmerited favor to
undeserving sinners. Period.

Those who have been born again don't usually denegrate others with
insults such as "moron" and "idiot" either, so as Karla referenced in
another response, you should perhaps consider Romans 2:1 before
looking down again on Mr. Dockery.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-20 19:57:11 UTC
Post by Ted L
Thanks for the compliment but with diligence to the text, intellect
has absolutely nothing to do with spiritual discernment.  
You're a moron if you think I thought it did.
Post by Ted L
Those who have been born again don't usually denegrate others with
insults such as "moron" and "idiot" either, so as Karla referenced in
another response, you should perhaps consider Romans 2:1 before
looking down again on Mr. Dockery.
Stick it up your bum, chum. Up your keister, meester. Up your ass,
Ted. You're an even bigger idiot than Will. I didn't insult anybody,
not even you, ass breath, unless that's what you want to see. If you
want to read fucking insults into everything I write, I sure as hell
can't stop you. So go ahead, knock yourself out. I hope you die
Will Dockery
2011-02-21 01:13:46 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
First the bad news.  You are a sinner.

Hold up, Ted, I didn't even write anything on the page that link leads
to... what material there that's about "Will Dockery" is in the form
of critique, written by one "Holy Joe", posted to Newsgroups:
From: ***@aol.com (ROLLER 666)
On March 14 1997, 3:00 am:


Dreamgirls with Shaman, No. 54, $1.00. Minicomic, 32 pages. Will
Dockery, P.O. Box ####, Phenix City, AL 36868.

Review: First, the truth. My review copy of Dreamgirls
Shaman is only eight pages in length. However, Dockery has prepared
sale" copies that are 32 pages long. I misplaced the letter in which
details exactly what these issues consist of, but they are the issue
reviewed (below) plus extra issues, all bundled into a generous
package of
poems and comics.
Back in the early 1980's minicomic-maker Matt Feazell
the 'minicomic for a quarter' concept. A stamp cost 22 cents (never
the envelope), but somehow the whole thing could arrive in the
hands for a quarter. Many of us, including myself, were inspired to
in this genre.
Then the price of a stamp rose to 25 cents. It became
difficult for a publisher like myself to sell an eight-page minicomic
a quarter. Some minicomic publishers raised the price of their
to 50 cents. In doing so, they raised the page count of their
to 16 pages.
The tradition continues. Charging $1.00, Dockery is offering
poetry and comics for the same price he would have charged you in
32 pages for $1.00, which works out to 25 cents for every eight
Dreamgirls with Shaman is a long-running title dating back to
previous decade. Originally it was titled Shaman. There was a
title (by me) called Naughty Naked Dreamgirls. Eventually the two
Now the two have parted company. For the moment the hybrid-title
remains, perhaps to adorn future issues, perhaps not.
Dreamgirls with Shaman is currently on an annual publication
schedule. This is the new issue. It is for the year 1997 but, since
Dockery never made an issue in 1996, it could be considered the 1996
issue, although the art and poems in it didn't actually exist in
Perhaps later Dockery will put out an official 1996 issue containing
and poems that couldn't exist in 1996, because they were created in
Such is the way of small press publishing. The cover of
issue of Shaman (with Dreamgirls) features Dockery's bizarre art on
cover. Worrisomely close to Florida, home of Mike Diana, there
resides a
whole school of 'bizarro' artists. Will Dockery, Dan Barfield, P.D.
Wilson, Carol Horn, and others. This loosely-knit community of
artists is
as odd in geography as it is in its artistic visions. It spans the
line that divides Georgia from Alabama, populating both states and,
both states at once in the same day. It produces such oddball gems as
current cover of Shaman.
Here, on the cover, we see a beak-faced man. He wears a hat
no pants. He has a visible pair of testicles and he appears to be
directing a host of girls with a baton-sized penis. The girls, as
dance, with cunts and breasts on display, sprinkle dollar bills,
and peace signs across the cover. Above this weird male/female
loom two heads. Each head contains only one eye but two pairs of
Certainly this is a cover worth the notice of a Florida district
Perhaps this $1.00 comic can spawn a $100,000 trial.
Meantime, Dockery will eagerly accept your dollar.
he's down on his luck. He'd be homeless, but an absent in-law has
(perhaps unwittingly) permitted him to live in a vacant mansion in a
yuppified section of town. Despite the wealth of Dockery's
the mansion he's living in has no electricity. The water has also
cut off. Hence, the grounds of the mansion have become Dockery's
I asked him recently in a (self-funded) telephone call how he managed
relieve himself.

me: I suppose you don't just hold it?
dockery: No. I let it out just like everybody else does.
me: How?
dockery: Well, to pee, you just go out back and pee.
me: How about to poop?
dockery: For that, you dig a hole. Then you poop into the
and cover it up.

Dockery has learned to cook food over a fire, in the
fireplace of
the mansion. This, I admit, sounded pretty great, living by firelight
candlelight in a mansion, eating food cooked over a fire. Wouldn't
know, of course, Dockery even has a girlfriend to keep him company in
circumstances. And, together, they make art.
I was quite impressed by this issue. The poems were quite
well-written, in my opinion. Here's a sampling:

From Dan Barfield:

"The earth runs
through my veins
Deep and black
ancient memories
ancient magic
...I am the reason
you fear the darkness
I am
the darkness"

From Lisa Scarboro:

"Words shared
among friends
...voice after
voice echoes
like feelings"

From Rick Duffey:

"There's a spider in our warehouse somewhere
who keeps making webs
in all the worst places & she does this
webs of immense size
bigger than pillow cases
big enough to capture chess pieces
they only appear after five in the evening
& eight the next morning, punched in,
when we've got sleep under our lids
& sip at the cooled edges of
styrofoam coffee we always discover them.
We've never seen this spider in person
but opinions abound
it's a big one says Mike...
& she's red with yellow stripes--her name is
probably Amanda
(I say)
she tells fortunes to the other spiders
her name means 'worthy of being loved'
her bite is poisonous with no puncture marks
she seeks out the crevasses of skin
attracted by the warmth
of your body
scratch an itch there
only if you must"

On the back page of this minicomic I was delighted to see
comix by John Jones. He's been drawing his Retros comix for years.
first I was fairly dismissive of them (back in the 80's). But like
wine they have grown on me. I have a deep appreciation for them now,
perhaps born of their intrinsic merit, perhaps born of nostalgia. Can
ever be sure about such things? I feel nostalgia for Gilligan's
Will Dockery produces a similar line of comix (not present
this issue), titled Demon House Theatre. Suddenly I find myself
wondering, with regard to Dockery's comics, and Jones', and even
and Horn's, "Has all their work been saved?" "Is there some way it
be collected and displayed?"
Once you develop an appreciation for what they are creating
becomes quite addictive. It's strange art, visual poetry, really, for
'makes no sense' to the DC and Marvel-trained eye. But once you let
go of
your preconceptions of what art 'should' and, indeed, 'must' be, you
yourself in a new realm. Their art is unique; a strange blend of
mystical, and even superheroic creatures. And, like I said, there is
whole school of them, all cross-pollinating each other, all living in
same locale.
And all dangerously close to Disneyfied Florida.

"She Sleeps Tight" / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Ted L
2011-02-21 03:05:47 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
First the bad news.  You are a sinner.
Hold up, Ted, I didn't even write anything on the page that link leads
to... what material there that's about "Will Dockery" is in the form
Obscenity snipped.

This may be your last call Will. Be forewarned that you will be
judged for your filth. Your conscience is obviously seared but it
will be healed up right as rain when you appear in the presence of the
holy sin hating Just One. You'll likely be begging to crawl into the
lake of fire rather than stand the shame of his indignation one second
longer, except ye repent today.

The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, very Word of God so we best all
take heed of what and who we offend...

Nahum Chapter 1.
[2]God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is
furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he
reserveth wrath for his enemies.
[3] The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all
acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the
storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
[4] He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the
rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon
[5] The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is
burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.
[6] Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the
fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the
rocks are thrown down by him.
[7] The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he
knoweth them that trust in him.
[8] But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the
place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-21 11:31:59 UTC
Post by Ted L
The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, very Word of God so we best all
take heed of what and who we offend...
I bet I could say just about anything to you right now and not only
would God love me for it, but you'd take it in the ass like the fairy
you are and come sniveling back, begging for more. Ted, admit it.
Open that closet door. You're just another fat assed fag lover,
right? I can't let you suck my dick because I'm married, but you'd
like to, wouldn't you? The truth will set you free.
Will Dockery
2011-02-21 11:46:51 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Post by Ted L
Post by Will Dockery
Post by Ted L
Hey, Ted, what's up with all this misrepresentation of me you're
posting on Janet's site?
First the bad news. You are a sinner.
Hold up, Ted, I didn't even write anything on the page that link leads
to... what material there that's about "Will Dockery" is in the form
Obscenity snipped.
Hold on, Ted... where in the Hell is there any notable obscenity in
Holy Joe's ciritue?

<unsnipped for focus>
Post by Ted L
Dreamgirls with Shaman, No. 54, $1.00.  Minicomic, 32 pages.  Will
Dockery, P.O. Box ####, Phenix City, AL 36868.
         Review:  First, the truth.  My review copy of Dreamgirls with
Shaman is only eight pages in length.  However, Dockery has prepared "for
sale" copies that are 32 pages long.  I misplaced the letter in which he
details exactly what these issues consist of, but they are the issue
reviewed (below) plus extra issues, all bundled into a generous
package of poems and comics.
         Back in the early 1980's minicomic-maker Matt Feazell pioneered
the 'minicomic for a quarter' concept.  A stamp cost 22 cents (never mind
the envelope), but somehow the whole thing could arrive in the reader's
hands for a quarter.  Many of us, including myself, were inspired to labor in this genre.
         Then the price of a stamp rose to 25 cents.  It became
difficult for a publisher like myself to sell an eight-page minicomic for
a quarter.  Some minicomic publishers raised the price of their minicomics
to 50 cents.  In doing so, they raised the page count of their
minicomics to 16 pages.
         The tradition continues.  Charging $1.00, Dockery is offering his
poetry and comics for the same price he would have charged you in 1983!
32 pages for $1.00, which works out to 25 cents for every eight pages.
         Dreamgirls with Shaman is a long-running title dating back to the
previous decade.  Originally it was titled Shaman.  There was a separate
title (by me) called Naughty Naked Dreamgirls.  Eventually the two merged.
 Now the two have parted company.  For the moment the hybrid-title
remains, perhaps to adorn future issues, perhaps not.
         Dreamgirls with Shaman is currently on an annual publication
schedule.  This is the new issue.  It is for the year 1997 but, since
Dockery never made an issue in 1996, it could be considered the 1996
issue, although the art and poems in it didn't actually exist in 1996.
Perhaps later Dockery will put out an official 1996 issue containing art
and poems that couldn't exist in 1996, because they were created in 1997.
         Such is the way of small press publishing.  The cover of this
issue of Shaman (with Dreamgirls) features Dockery's bizarre art on the
cover.  Worrisomely close to Florida, home of Mike Diana, there resides a
whole school of 'bizarro' artists.  Will Dockery, Dan Barfield, P.D.
Wilson, Carol Horn, and others.  This loosely-knit community of artists is
as odd in geography as it is in its artistic visions.  It spans the state
line that divides Georgia from Alabama, populating both states and, often,
both states at once in the same day.  It produces such oddball gems as the
current cover of Shaman.
         Here, on the cover, we see a beak-faced man.  He wears a hat but
no pants.  He has a visible pair of testicles and he appears to be
directing a host of girls with a baton-sized penis.  The girls, as they
dance, with cunts and breasts on display, sprinkle dollar bills, hearts,
and peace signs across the cover.  Above this weird male/female assemblage
loom two heads.  Each head contains only one eye but two pairs of lips.
Certainly this is a cover worth the notice of a Florida district attorney.
 Perhaps this $1.00 comic can spawn a $100,000 trial.
         Meantime, Dockery will eagerly accept your dollar. Currently
he's down on his luck.  He'd be homeless, but an absent in-law has
(perhaps unwittingly) permitted him to live in a vacant mansion in a
yuppified section of town.  Despite the wealth of Dockery's surroundings,
the mansion he's living in has no electricity.  The water has also been
cut off.  Hence, the grounds of the mansion have become Dockery's toilet.
I asked him recently in a (self-funded) telephone call how he managed to relieve himself.
         me:  I suppose you don't just hold it?
         dockery:  No.  I let it out just like everybody else does.
         me:  How?
         dockery:  Well, to pee, you just go out back and pee.
         me:  How about to poop?
         dockery:  For that, you dig a hole.  Then you poop into the hole
and cover it up.
         Dockery has learned to cook food over a fire, in the fireplace of
the mansion.  This, I admit, sounded pretty great, living by firelight and
candlelight in a mansion, eating food cooked over a fire.  Wouldn't you
know, of course, Dockery even has a girlfriend to keep him company in such
circumstances.  And, together, they make art.
         I was quite impressed by this issue.  The poems were quite
"The earth runs
through my veins
Deep and black
ancient memories
ancient magic
...I am the reason
you fear the darkness
I am
the darkness"
"Words shared
among friends
...voice after
voice echoes
like feelings"
"There's a spider in our warehouse somewhere
who keeps making webs
in all the worst places & she does this
webs of immense size
bigger than pillow cases
big enough to capture chess pieces
they only appear after five in the evening
& eight the next morning, punched in,
when we've got sleep under our lids
& sip at the cooled edges of
styrofoam coffee we always discover them.
We've never seen this spider in person
but opinions abound
it's a big one says Mike...
& she's red with yellow stripes--her name is
probably Amanda
(I say)
she tells fortunes to the other spiders
her name means 'worthy of being loved'
her bite is poisonous with no puncture marks
she seeks out the crevasses of skin
attracted by the warmth
of your body
         scratch an itch there
only if you must"
         On the back page of this minicomic I was delighted to see new
comix by John Jones.  He's been drawing his Retros comix for years. At
first I was fairly dismissive of them (back in the 80's).  But like fine
wine they have grown on me.  I have a deep appreciation for them now,
perhaps born of their intrinsic merit, perhaps born of nostalgia.  Can one
ever be sure about such things?  I feel nostalgia for Gilligan's Island too.
         Will Dockery produces a similar line of comix (not present in
this issue), titled Demon House Theatre.  Suddenly I find myself
wondering, with regard to Dockery's comics, and Jones', and even Wilson's
and Horn's, "Has all their work been saved?"  "Is there some way it could
be collected and displayed?"
         Once you develop an appreciation for what they are creating it
becomes quite addictive.  It's strange art, visual poetry, really, for it
'makes no sense' to the DC and Marvel-trained eye.  But once you let go of
your preconceptions of what art 'should' and, indeed, 'must' be, you find
yourself in a new realm.  Their art is unique; a strange blend of human,
mystical, and even superheroic creatures.  And, like I said, there is a
whole school of them, all cross-pollinating each other, all living in the
same locale.
         And all dangerously close to Disneyfied Florida.
"God's Toybox" / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:

Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-21 12:37:19 UTC
Post by Will Dockery
Hold on, Ted... where in the Hell is there any notable obscenity in
Holy Joe's ciritue?
What's a ciritue?
Will Dockery
2011-02-21 14:30:42 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Hold on, Ted... where in the Hell is there any notable obscenity in
Holy Joe's ciritue?
What's a ciritue?
Dreamgirls with Shaman, No. 54, $1.00. Minicomic, 32 pages. Will
Dockery, P.O. Box ####, Phenix City, AL 36868.
Review: First, the truth. My review copy of Dreamgirls with
Shaman is only eight pages in length. However, Dockery has prepared "for
sale" copies that are 32 pages long. I misplaced the letter in which he
details exactly what these issues consist of, but they are the issue
reviewed (below) plus extra issues, all bundled into a generous
package of poems and comics.
Back in the early 1980's minicomic-maker Matt Feazell pioneered
the 'minicomic for a quarter' concept. A stamp cost 22 cents (never mind
the envelope), but somehow the whole thing could arrive in the reader's
hands for a quarter. Many of us, including myself, were inspired to labor in this genre.
Then the price of a stamp rose to 25 cents. It became rather
difficult for a publisher like myself to sell an eight-page minicomic for
a quarter. Some minicomic publishers raised the price of their minicomics
to 50 cents. In doing so, they raised the page count of their
minicomics to 16 pages.
The tradition continues. Charging $1.00, Dockery is offering his
poetry and comics for the same price he would have charged you in 1983!
32 pages for $1.00, which works out to 25 cents for every eight pages.
Dreamgirls with Shaman is a long-running title dating back to the
previous decade. Originally it was titled Shaman. There was a separate
title (by me) called Naughty Naked Dreamgirls. Eventually the two merged.
Now the two have parted company. For the moment the hybrid-title
remains, perhaps to adorn future issues, perhaps not.
Dreamgirls with Shaman is currently on an annual publication
schedule. This is the new issue. It is for the year 1997 but, since
Dockery never made an issue in 1996, it could be considered the 1996
issue, although the art and poems in it didn't actually exist in 1996.
Perhaps later Dockery will put out an official 1996 issue containing art
and poems that couldn't exist in 1996, because they were created in 1997.
Such is the way of small press publishing. The cover of this
issue of Shaman (with Dreamgirls) features Dockery's bizarre art on the
cover. Worrisomely close to Florida, home of Mike Diana, there resides a
whole school of 'bizarro' artists. Will Dockery, Dan Barfield, P.D.
Wilson, Carol Horn, and others. This loosely-knit community of artists is
as odd in geography as it is in its artistic visions. It spans the state
line that divides Georgia from Alabama, populating both states and, often,
both states at once in the same day. It produces such oddball gems as the
current cover of Shaman.
Here, on the cover, we see a beak-faced man. He wears a hat but
no pants. He has a visible pair of testicles and he appears to be
directing a host of girls with a baton-sized penis. The girls, as they
dance, with cunts and breasts on display, sprinkle dollar bills, hearts,
and peace signs across the cover. Above this weird male/female assemblage
loom two heads. Each head contains only one eye but two pairs of lips.
Certainly this is a cover worth the notice of a Florida district attorney.
Perhaps this $1.00 comic can spawn a $100,000 trial.
Meantime, Dockery will eagerly accept your dollar. Currently
he's down on his luck. He'd be homeless, but an absent in-law has
(perhaps unwittingly) permitted him to live in a vacant mansion in a
yuppified section of town. Despite the wealth of Dockery's surroundings,
the mansion he's living in has no electricity. The water has also been
cut off. Hence, the grounds of the mansion have become Dockery's toilet.
I asked him recently in a (self-funded) telephone call how he managed to relieve himself.
me: I suppose you don't just hold it?
dockery: No. I let it out just like everybody else does.
me: How?
dockery: Well, to pee, you just go out back and pee.
me: How about to poop?
dockery: For that, you dig a hole. Then you poop into the hole
and cover it up.
Dockery has learned to cook food over a fire, in the fireplace of
the mansion. This, I admit, sounded pretty great, living by firelight and
candlelight in a mansion, eating food cooked over a fire. Wouldn't you
know, of course, Dockery even has a girlfriend to keep him company in such
circumstances. And, together, they make art.
I was quite impressed by this issue. The poems were quite
"The earth runs
through my veins
Deep and black
ancient memories
ancient magic
...I am the reason
you fear the darkness
I am
the darkness"
"Words shared
among friends
...voice after
voice echoes
like feelings"
"There's a spider in our warehouse somewhere
who keeps making webs
in all the worst places & she does this
webs of immense size
bigger than pillow cases
big enough to capture chess pieces
they only appear after five in the evening
& eight the next morning, punched in,
when we've got sleep under our lids
& sip at the cooled edges of
styrofoam coffee we always discover them.
We've never seen this spider in person
but opinions abound
it's a big one says Mike...
& she's red with yellow stripes--her name is
probably Amanda
(I say)
she tells fortunes to the other spiders
her name means 'worthy of being loved'
her bite is poisonous with no puncture marks
she seeks out the crevasses of skin
attracted by the warmth
of your body
scratch an itch there
only if you must"
On the back page of this minicomic I was delighted to see new
comix by John Jones. He's been drawing his Retros comix for years. At
first I was fairly dismissive of them (back in the 80's). But like fine
wine they have grown on me. I have a deep appreciation for them now,
perhaps born of their intrinsic merit, perhaps born of nostalgia. Can one
ever be sure about such things? I feel nostalgia for Gilligan's Island too.
Will Dockery produces a similar line of comix (not present in
this issue), titled Demon House Theatre. Suddenly I find myself
wondering, with regard to Dockery's comics, and Jones', and even Wilson's
and Horn's, "Has all their work been saved?" "Is there some way it could
be collected and displayed?"
Once you develop an appreciation for what they are creating it
becomes quite addictive. It's strange art, visual poetry, really, for it
'makes no sense' to the DC and Marvel-trained eye. But once you let go of
your preconceptions of what art 'should' and, indeed, 'must' be, you find
yourself in a new realm. Their art is unique; a strange blend of human,
mystical, and even superheroic creatures. And, like I said, there is a
whole school of them, all cross-pollinating each other, all living in the
same locale.
And all dangerously close to Disneyfied Florida.
"God's Toybox" / Will Dockery & The Shadowville All-Stars:
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-21 15:50:26 UTC
Post by Hieronymous Corey
Post by Will Dockery
Hold on, Ted... where in the Hell is there any notable obscenity in
Holy Joe's ciritue?
What's a ciritue?
Thanks. I thought that's what you meant, but it looked so different I
wasn't quite sure. It wasn't in my dictionary, so I figured I'd ask.
I could be wrong, but I don't think that's what Ted was calling an
obscenity. The obscenity, as I see it, is that you have to go back so
far to find a decent review of your material to promote yourself
with. That's obscenely shabby, and makes you look obscenely
desperate. I may not be your biggest fan, but I think you deserve a
Hell of a lot better than that. I know you think I hate your poetry,
and basically I do, as "poetry", but that's probably just a jealousy
thing. I see myself more as a 'poet' than you, but only to define and
limit myself to that so that I have a definition to call my own. I
see you as so much more than that; things I'm not and can't be, so I
get jealous. I hope Doo-Nanny burns up at night.
Peter J Ross
2011-02-17 20:00:02 UTC
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Thu, 17 Feb 2011 08:30:22 -0800 (PST),
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Since it was posted by somebody other than its author, what would be
the point of commenting on it?
PJR :-)
Hieronymous Corey
2011-02-17 20:12:23 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Thu, 17 Feb 2011 08:30:22 -0800 (PST),
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Since it was posted by somebody other than its author, what would be
the point of commenting on it?
What's the point of critiquing Emily Dickinson, or William Cullen
Ted L
2011-02-19 02:26:43 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Thu, 17 Feb 2011 08:30:22 -0800 (PST),
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Since it was posted by somebody other than its author, what would be
the point of commenting on it?
She said you can if that's holding you back.

See link.

2011-02-19 06:02:34 UTC
Post by Ted L
Post by Peter J Ross
In alt.arts.poetry.comments on Thu, 17 Feb 2011 08:30:22 -0800 (PST),
Post by dapperdobbs
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a comment about the poem?
Since it was posted by somebody other than its author, what would be
the point of commenting on it?
She said you can if that's holding you back.
 See link.
again, why does she not post here herself and join the group...i'd
much rather have her presence than you running around acting like
job's bitch...plus, by some of your statements about janet i'd say she
should call the fbi on your ass because you obviously have a very
weirdo fixation on her...and with all your rantings you should
remember that ’god was an underachiever’...just look at the mess he
apparently created and you live…putting a man and a woman on it and
expecting them not to fuck it up by enticing them to…that worked out
so perfect...now go somewhere else and let janet speak for herself.