Post by j***@aol.comPost by s***@yahoo.comPost by j***@aol.comPost by p***@yahoo.comPost by j***@aol.comPost by s***@yahoo.comPost by j***@aol.comTodd tells me the funds we collected enabled John to rescue his
father's ashes from that Wright Funeral Home. John may have a ceremony
in the spring per Todd, will keep you apprised because your research
reminds us of the wit and wisdom of our dear Dennis... Patrick,
sent me an email announcing Dennis's death ago...
Who is Todd, Jeanne? Something about the "boy (or kid) and nephew" and
making pizzas and playing cribbage seem familiar, but I don't recall a
Dennis would be fixing engines putting parts of this to parts of that
with the nephew, if I remember. Maybe they'd drink beer and have cheap
meat dishes. That's what this thread makes me think of. I haven't
looked into it. Will did not provide a link that I can tell.
As much as Dennis was a tinkerer, did you ever feel the urge to help
Dennis get some good electricity? He was always complaining about his
fuses and wiring in his home. And he refused my offer of a dvd player.
Remember Dennis's "Netscrape"? Maybe that word isn't a Dennis
original, but I'll always think it was Dennis's.
Anyway, I have a few leads on how to reach the nephew and son. I
haven't checked them out. Have you been in direct contact?
Todd Cannon was mentored by Dennis ago. Todd contacted me when
Dennis died, so I posted the data thereafter. I helped Todd raise the
nearly 2k required to help Dennis's son John, about 18, recover his
his fathers cremated remains from a hostage holding funeral home
is worth contacting for specifics. Several emails and phone
with Todd and one with John Hammes enlightened me about Mews/Muse
Dennis's beloved black cat who died shortly after he did. I tried
approaches to helping Dennis. His house has several loaned items I
may follow up on, or not. I sent him computers as I replaced mine, his
tinkering made everything work but his electrictiy beyond the
You will enjoy pursuing those leads. Dennis was special to many of
I guess I don't understand the "middle man". Why John isn't directly
in charge. Is Todd a lawyer? Did Dennis assign him proxy or whatever
the law term is, executor? Who is he? Still not sure. But
you were what always seemed to be a genuine friend. He was kind with
his words to you. I have no doubt you gave him computers. I wish I
could have done more for him while he was alive.
Thank you for your time in responding, Jeanne.
Just today I received notice from The Atlantic Monthly that they were
problems delivering my usual gift subscription. I called and told
them he
had died. Sad, that. They assigned the remaining issues to my
Must check on MAD magazine as I gave him one of those ago for a
We all wanted to do more for him, but he was proud, self reliant, rode
bicycle in Moorhead weather and would not accept charity even from
who saw him as a national treasure, like me. He indulged me now and
because I was persistent and certain to prevail to his kind
John is his minor age son from his ago marriage to Joan, his former
John may be eighteen by now, am guessing. Todd is not a lawyer, but
a decent sort who was guided by Dennis when he was a child, long
Todd's career with IBM, his marriage and his own fatherhood of a dear
Todd and I spoke on the phone years ago when Dennis arranged it. One
I went through the Dakotas to my brother's in Exeter, NH and took a
across a flood plain to visit Dennis, just for chuckles. He was a
great host,
played the piano, entertained me royally and I met his Muse/Mews, saw
the local library he supported, the nearby shopping center in Fargo,
local Lutheran Univ. and a dozen sites traveling in my rented car with
Dennis as tour guide and gentleman par excellence. His wee house was
a welcoming place; his office was simply fascinating. Local birds were
flowers were set and the simple elegance of his modest life amazed me.
The respect he gained from his audience was well earned, imo. His
family connections were few and he was a proud poor rich human being.
He knew I was no poet, but wordy and funny in my own fashion. He did
not suffer fools as we all know. I was honored by his wit and wisdom,
matter what was going on in the poetry groups. He took old computers,
made them work and donated them to others. He was so clever with so
many things beyond wood, wires, metals, drawings and such, he caused
awe among those he knew or let know him a bit better than as a pundit/
Without Todd's intercession, young John would be ignored by the
Home who simply wanted a bundle to permit cremation and delivery of
to young John who works in a restaurant and has less than his father
ever did.
Todd, the kind man, who remembered the kindness of Dennis when he was
a child, stood up to be of use to John and others among us who wanted
help. I've not met him, but I knew of him from Dennis who respected
Dennis left no will as far as we know. Utterly sad outcome and Will's
endeavors re: wiki bit may be all there is when the dust settles. Many
never forget Dennis. I see nearly daily notes from Google wherein
in other groups have begun to get the word that Dennis Hammes is
That is a very beautiful tribute to Dennis. Thank you for it.
It sounds like Dennis thought you and Todd ought to talk, for whatever
reason it was -- years ago. You have not ever spoken on the phone with
John. Perhaps kids are busy. I've been figuring John to be a little
older than 18, around 20. I had a sense from some of Dennis's writing
John was born late '80s.
My guess is the nephew (maybe 25) and John are buds. Mr. Andersen
wrote a very kind notice of Dennis's departure. Mr. Andersen seemed
articulate and mature. I recall him to be a relative who visited
Dennis along with John during the holidays and other random occasions.
I'm sorry I don't recall a mentioning of Todd who also wrote a few
words on Dennis. Interesting how Todd was introduced to you on the
phone and not the closer blood relatives. Perhaps Todd's interests
were a little different from those of the younger ones. If for no
other reason than to say, Hi, it sounds as though it was a
spontaneous, "Thanks for socializing with my pseudo-parent," I'm
guessing Todd's about 20 years Dennis's junior, 40-ish.
I suppose no foul play, but I was warned against sending anything to
someone I'd never heard of.
John, yes. Nephew, yes. Todd, Dennis never said anything to me.
Dennis, I did send things to, but I felt it was an offering of thanks
for his time. He spent a lot of time with me here. If it were a face-
to-face poetry gathering with Dennis as the featured poet, I'd have
put something into the jar. It was never enough, but he enjoyed cigars
etc. I always had the visual of his home being dominated by humidors.
I was too cautious. Caution takes too much time, but I didn't want to
come across a "crazy girl" (too late, eh?). He got my address,
regardless. I sent him only two Christmas cards. One he never got. It
probably got there a day too late.
I did speak with John. I had posted each item over time as it
occurred, in rap, etc.,
I telephoned him at work and we discussed his situation and how
he was that his father was famous, well regarded. He related his
over time with him and why the Wright funeral folks wanted to wait for
vice releasing Dennis or having his remains cremated as John wanted...
was devoted to Dennis for years, felt badly that they had recently
when Todd left IBM after his marriage, etc., I posted Todd's notice to
me the
moment he knew that Dennis had been found dead in his house ca 23 Dec.
I noticed his # 228 was written on 20 Dec. and it seemed prophetic of
his demise
to my utter horror. Will D. put up funeral home data, I assembled
monies from
Alex, a close friend, and a few others, rounded it up to the amount
Todd said
would cover the cremation and mailed the 1750 to Todd who passed it
Am sure he could use more for the memorial, a stone, etc., Todd Cannon
at is a trusted conduit, imo. He seems in his forties as
you said,
his daughter is eight and his wife's name is Carol, they live in the
same state.
Todd spoke with the authorities and guided John whose phone number at
work he gave me to speak with him. Patrick had sent me an email from
Dennis's computer--he had notified those he found in Dennis's address
after Todd wrote to me. Dennis smoked cigarettes until he could no
afford them, imo, then changed over to cigars which he treasured. His
was found with him, but a tumor was discovered, hence, she was
Todd and Dennis were closer, imo, than Dennis's son was allowed to
Todd has contacted the government entities and continues to be a
for John, given that fact that he is around 18 and needs a savvy adult
to help
him handle this and that. John is religious, unlike Dennis, as Todd
me, thus, I did not emphasize my humanistic views...:> Anyone reading
should not hesitate to write to Todd Cannon. I hold him in high esteem
did Dennis. Some birthdays, I sent flowers because his photos of
exhibited an extra-ordinary photographer's eye. I have a picture of
he took ago. He also took a picture of my face when I passed through
to show me laughing loudly sans mascara and to remind me to let my
lightness shine through. My formal self did not care for the picture
of my
mouth open while I hooted, but now that I have matured a tad since
I can see what Dennis was teaching about being real. I admired his
his humors and tickled him during his grouchy and hard times. He knew
I respected him and admired his command of language. He liked a woman
I introduced him to on line, an illustrator from Australia who has not
to my emails, yet. She sent me an autographed copy of her last book
Their minds meeting pleased me greatly as I do match making in my
time...;> It went no further than friendship on line, but he enjoyed
her company
as I am certain he enjoyed yours and many others. He was complex and
funny, angry and periodically down, but his command of the language
him an exceptional man. He refused to vote when I urged it, railed at
and bureaucrats, but he hit the nail on the head over and over about
everything which is why I liked him. Why is why many, many of us liked
Your Dennis tributes are among your best works. Dennis is an
archetypal muse. Let him guide you.
If I wasn't happily in a long term relationship of approaching 5 years
and hadn't spent time prior with someone I thought might "be the one",
I would have loved to have met Dennis, alone. As it was, I discussed
with Julian inviting Dennis over for the Winter to my one-bedroom
apartment. No, not for what some might think, it would have been to
give Dennis Florida away from MN winters. I had it all planned how it
could work, though, I'm afraid on after-thought, I neglected to
consider his Mews. Dennis never said as much directly though he
declined the offer by stating how his unused shop equipment, "stuff",
was what kept him alive. Or something to that effect. It's in the
archives, here (rap; we're crossposting, I see). The writing was fun
especially the allusions to Damifiknow Street, I'd read in one of the
Cigar catalogs describing a tobacconist (?) in Tampa, FL.
I am unsure of whether Dennis was intentionally, or I was making
associations with regards to his, helping me deal with a bad, bad
state of mind (as well as normal 9-5 stuff). He gave me attention
enough to have me work on poetry, focusing on a foundation of the best
words possible (within myself and with myself looking outwardly for
them) in best order to see what direction comes of boundaries. Dennis
seemed to understand words to their base and how, whether the poet was
fully aware, the simple physics (I suppose) come about with regards to
rules of life. I think Dennis supported me on some of my perspectives.
He was more earth-based (classic mechanics) to my air-headedness.
Other times he helped me feel beautiful. I hope I did the same for
him, although, sometimes my own agenda got in the way of paying enough
attention back to Dennis, fairly.
I remember having compiled about ten poems fitting a theme and planned
to post them, but Dennis interjected. I marched forth with the "plan"
rather than shutting down some of my poems already written "months
ago". After posting them it looked as though I'd made "response
poems", a sad case of not adapting. I felt badly that these posts
could have been misperceived as communicating to Dennis. They were
only communicating to, for the lazy way to put "it", an evil spirit.
Bad timing. A terrible thing to suffer.
Shortly thereafter, Dennis died. I don't think I could ever talk to
that spirit again. Part of me thinks I killed Dennis. It's probably
dramatic and narcissistic of me to think that way, but the truth is
there is a kernel of that thinking in me. I confess.
Maybe the future holds a crossing of paths. Maybe I'll be blessed with
seeing signs of Dennis in his son. Who knows.